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Correspondence between O.D. and Lord Jasper Pebblebrook

Letter #1
  10th Lupercal 2343   Dear Lord Jasper Pebblebrook,   Greetings from the shadows. I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great urgency that I write to you, for I have news that cannot wait.   As you know, I have been in Mythguard for the past few months, in pursuit of the rebel leader of the 'Marble Rebellion'. With the help of our allies, I was able to track him down and successfully dispatch him. However, during my mission, I also came across an unexpected surprise.   While searching for the rebel leader, I stumbled upon Lester Bobblerocks, who had eluded me in Andorora. He had made his way to the Dunfell River Gap, where he had discovered a hidden entrance to a dwarven tomb. I am not sure what he found inside, but he quickly made his way back to Rothevon.   I followed him to Rothevon, determined to bring him to justice. But before I could apprehend him, he disappeared into the shadows. I suspect he may have found something of great value in the tomb, and I fear that he may use it for his own gain.   I took a detour to meet with our associates and discuss the next phase of our plan. We must act quickly before Lester uses whatever he found to disrupt our plans. I have a feeling that he may have some connection to the rebels, and we cannot afford to let him get away.   With utmost loyalty and respect, I remain your friend and ally in this mission. I will continue to track Lester and gather any information that may be useful to our cause. I trust that you will take the necessary precautions to ensure that he does not cause any further trouble.   Yours sincerely,   O.D.  
Letter #2
    25th Ostara 2343   Dear Lord Jasper Pebblebrook,   Greetings from the shadows. I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great urgency that I write to you, for I have news that cannot wait.   I have located one of the treasure hunter's associates and he has found the tomb of Darbaer Bittercoat. He also does not know the scope of what he has found, only that it leads to the imperial vault.   With utmost loyalty and respect, I remain your friend and ally in this mission. I will continue to track Lester and gather any information that may be useful to our cause. I trust that you will take the necessary precautions to ensure that he does not cause any further trouble.   Yours sincerely,   O.D.  
Unopened Letter #3
  25th Mistbloom 2343   To my dear friend, Lord Pebblebrook,   Greetings from the shadows. I hope this letter finds you well, as I know how busy you must be with your affairs as the esteemed Lord of our kingdom. I apologize for any inconvenience this letter may cause you, but I assure you that the information it contains will be of utmost importance to our mission.   As per our agreed upon plan, I have been scouring the depths of Rothevon for the elusive treasure hunter. It has been a tedious task, but with my skills as a spy and tracker, I have finally managed to find his trail. I tracked him to the sewers beneath the city, where he must have been seeking refuge from the authorities.   I wasted no time in apprehending him and bringing him to a secluded location for interrogation. My skills as an assassin also came in handy during this process, as I had to use some less conventional methods to extract information from him. However, I regret to inform you that our efforts were in vain. Despite hours of interrogation, Rivers did not reveal the location of the elusive map.   But fear not, my lord. My duty as a loyal servant to our kingdom did not end there. I took it upon myself to conduct my own research and investigations, and after three long weeks, I have finally located the treasure hunter's lair. It is a hidden underground hideaway, well guarded and heavily fortified. It seems that our target was not one to take any chances.   However, I must also inform you of a minor complication that has arisen. As I was making my move to retrieve the map, a group of rat hunters stumbled upon us. They were after the same treasure that we sought, and it was unfortunate timing on their part. In the chaos that ensued, they managed to escape with the map in their possession.   But do not worry, my lord you can tell our mutual friend R.M that all is in hand. I assure you that this is just a minor setback. I am currently tailing the rat hunters, and they are set to depart Rothevon tomorrow. I intend to track them down and retrieve the map when the opportunity presents itself.   I am confident that with my skills and determination, I will be successful in this mission. Rest assured, the map will soon be in our possession. I will then make my way back to our kingdom and deliver it into your hands, my lord.   Until then, I will remain in the shadows, working tirelessly for the good of our kingdom. I ask for your continued trust and support in this endeavor. May the light guide and protect us as we carry out our duties.   With utmost loyalty and respect, Your friend, O.D.  
Letter #4 Incomplete
20th Mistbloom 2343
Dear O.D,   I trust this letter finds you well and that you have been diligently carrying out your duties and your loyalty will not be forgotten. However, I must impress upon you the utmost importance of our current mission.   The treasure hunter has stumbled upon something far more valuable than we could have ever anticipated. It is imperative that we keep this information hidden. The consequences of failure at this stage would be catastrophic for our plans.   I need not remind you of the lengths we have gone to in order to get our plans in motion and the power it holds to disrupt those plans. The thought of it falling into the wrong hands is simply unacceptable. The King and more importantly our associate T would not take kindly to failure at such a grand scale.   I trust in your cunning and resourcefulness to silence the treasure hunter at all costs. I do not need to remind you of the methods at your disposal. Make sure he meets a swift and permanent end, and that no one else knows of what he may have uncovered.   The letter ends here…
Seal used by O.D.  
Map of Onyx Dragon's Travels This map follows the path of someone with the initials OD. It shows him starting at Andorora heading west to Mythguard. After Mythguard the path leads to the Dunfell River Gap in the Savage Mountains from there the path turns to south to the northwestern corner of the Ashriden Wood and then around the west side of the wood continuing to Rothevon and that is where the tracking ends on the map.


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