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Once the jewel of the Kingdom of Wrayatora, the city of Mythguard is now a pale shadow of its former glory. Once thriving with atmosphere of the now-mythical city of wealth and prestige, the city's streets, formerly bustling with merchants and citizens of all kinds, are now falling into a silent disrepair.   The city stands defiantly among the marble quarries, whose quarries once provided an abundance of marble to the city’s many buildings and monuments. The remnants of the quarries are still visible, but now they are filled with rubble and weeds, a dark reminder of what once was.   The city is now ruled by the House of Stonebrandt, a powerful and wealthy family who had long held a monopoly on the marble trade. The house also owns a thick forest of Ashriden Wood just outside the city walls, the lumber from which supplied the builders of the city’s structures with precious materials.   The citizens of Mythguard are hardworking individuals who struggle to make ends meet. Times have been hard in the Kingdom of Wrayatora in recent years and the citizens of Mythguard have had to bear the brunt of the Kingdom’s decline. However, the citizens are loyal and resilient to the House of Stonebrandt and speak of the comforts the family provides them.   In a city and a kingdom of such decline, Mythguard remains a proud reminder of Wrayatora’s former glory. The marble quarries and Ashriden Woods continue to be a plentiful resource. Though the city is not as prosperous as it once was, the people of Mythguard still cling to the hope that it can once again become the premier city of the Wrayatoran Kingdom.
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