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Aimon Tardi

A young half-elf from Silverpass, Aimon Tardi is most at home in the wilds. His affinity for nature was fostered early in his life by his adoptive mother Eliza Tardi, who frequently recounted stories of the ancient Oakborn druids who once inhabited the lands they lived on. His father, Warren Tardi, instilled a different virtue: distrust of nobility. Those who would wring every drop of gold from the pockets of normal folk to line theirs were people to be treated with disdain.   His life uprooted when his home was sacked by a wandering hoard of undead, Aimon set out to improve himself and prevent such a tragedy from befalling anyone else ever again. In the years that followed, Aimon became an adept marksman, swordsman, tracker, and practitioner of nature magics. It took some time for that to kick in though. He spent a few months as a little farmboy shit-heel with a dagger tied to the end of a stick trying to be a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. Turns out he's a not-cool guy who deffo sucks shit, and got taken prisoner by goblins. He was rescued escaped and then starting being a cool guy. Well...trying to be a cool guy.   In battle, Aimon could easily disable entire groups of enemies and focus his ire on a single combatant.

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