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Barnaby Blastbucket

"Ladies, gentleman, elf and goblin alike, may I present to you our next incredible invention! This wonderful device is imbued with the energy of-"
- the last words of Professor Barnaby Blastbucket, M.D., shortly before rocketing into the fucking stratosphere. 
    Professor Barnaby Blastbucket, M.D., was neither a Professor nor an M.D. He was a Svirfneblin Artificer of great skill, renowned for his bizarre enchanted items.   Blastbucket would often go on great tours of the Realm, bringing with him a wagon full of his outlandish creations for sale. He never made that much money.   Like so many other underappreciated artists, the true value of his work was not realized until after his death. Unfortunately for those who hoarded his treasures, Blastbucket's creations were...unstable...and without constant maintenance they fell into disrepair. Very few of his creations remain, most having been destroyed. What little do remain are priceless collectors items, but it takes a certain kind of crazy to hang on to a genuine Blastbucket™.
1686 CA 1886 CA 200 years old

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