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Bastien Selar'wyn

Though many a bard ply their trade with panache and showmanship, few cut a figure like the Eladrin bard known as Bast. A well known figure around his home of Silverpass, Bast is silver-tongued and gold-fingered...I don't know what that means but it feels right. His grand personality and decadent style belie a vicious mean streak, and gods help you if you scuff his kicks. Well read, well spoken, and well dressed, Bast can slide in to just about anyone's DMs. That stands for Direct Message (Spell).   In battle, Bast devastates foes from any distance, whether it be destroying swaths of enemies at range or getting up close and personal with a rapier. Though a more than capable combatant, his real area of expertise is supporting his comrades with a bevy of utility spells. This includes turning Angrammas into a giant fucking Ape or T-Rex and just destroying all my plans enemies in sight.

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