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Cersa is a straightforward mage who hasn't the time, energy, or interest to fuck around with your shit. Raised on the cutthroat streets walkways of the pirate city of Meridian, Cersa knows when to hold 'em and/or fold 'em and/or shank you in the throat and take all your cards.   A former servant to the mysterious eldritch entity known only as The Mother, Cersa's used her potent magics to make her way across the Realm on behalf of not only her Patron, but her own whims.   Like most natives of Meridian, Cersa is an individualist, a trait that in time brought her into conflict with her Patron, who often treated Cersa as a tool rather than a person. The two had a dramatic falling out, and in an act of oppurtunity (and spite) Cersa allied herself with one of her former patron's ancient enemies, the Archfey Lady Launtauril.   Cersa does not mince words, or attempt to spare the feelings of those around her. If she has a job to do, she's going to do it, and if you stand in the way there is a good (read: 100%) chance that you are going to get a hole blasted through your goddamn thorax.   In combat, Cersa provides overwhelming arcane artillery that obliterates foes from a distance. ABB, dawg: Always Be Blastin'

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