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Kyzarak the Unclean

(a.k.a. The Ruler of Rot, The Prince of Pustules, The Sultan of Stink, The Viscount of Vomit, The Baron of Bile, xxZomBoy420BlazeItxx, Big Nasty K)

The Lich known as Kyzarak the Unclean was a minor Lich who terrorized much of the Realm during life. Though Kyzarak was a capable spellcaster, he lacked the restraint, cunning, and gravitas that more powerful Liches exemplified. During his relatively short reign, Kyzarak harassed and terrified numerous villages and hamlets with no clear purpose other than "The Lulz" as Kyzarak would call it. Ugh, fuck this guy. He was defeated numerous times by numerous adventurers, but never really learned from the mistakes that he made in his previous incarnation, relying on his phylactery and perpetual unlife to fuel his goals.
Kyzarak was intensely disliked by other powerful mages, and fucking hated by other liches. His colleagues considered him a joke, using his powers without forethought, design, or intention, and a disgrace to the title of Lich. Mages who aspired to lichdom undertake monumental feats of arcane ability, as well as burning through inconceivable resources in hopes of one day, maybe, to have a chance at getting close to being a lich. Kyzarak, however, stumbled blindly into this godlike power somehow, earning the ire of every aspiring lich in the Realm.

Kyzarak takes great pleasure in the torment and discomfort of others. He relishes in flaunting the putrid, rotten flesh of his servants, and loves nothing more than watching innocents wretch and gag at the sight of his cadaverous visage. A real dickhead, this guy.

Kyzarak was eventually bested, however, by a group of adventurers who were able to goad the lich into revealing the location of his phylactery. Which was just in a fucking cabinet. Like, a kitchen cabinet. Made of wood. No locks. No traps. Just a normal cabinet.

Yo, fuck this guy, for real.

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