The Royal Capital of Lightharbor is the largest city in the West Realm and capital of the Kingdom of Lightharbor. The massive city sits at the southernmost tip of the Harborean Peninsula, overlooking the Bay of Blessing to the east and Tolmedden Ocean to the West.
A vast walled city, Lightharbor slopes slowly upwards towards the south, culminating in the royal palace and the Great Beacon of Brethelda. Below this beacon lies The Greatwharf of Lysander, Lightharbor's primary port and source of trade.
The city is famed for its acclaimed chivalric orders that headquarter in the royal capital.
Lightharbor is ruled by a King, who appoints advisors and magistrates to the King's Council.
Industry & Trade
Lightharbor boasts the largest and busiest port in the Kingdom, and gets most of its wealth via importing and exporting. The fertile lands surrounding the city are rife with farmsteads and granaries which feed the city and a great portion of the Western Realm.
Guilds and Factions
A city that prides itself on courage and service, Lightharbor is home to many knightly orders. Chief among them is the Order of the Torchbearer, which is afforded a great reputation due to the current king, Lyman the Just, being a former knight of the order. The Academy of Arcanism is a bastion of higher learning and arcane research, and is headquartered here.
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