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The Hobgoblin city of Sekerah is a small but heavily fortified town that is located high in the Titan's Teeth mountains. Sekerah is home to the largest and most disciplined hobgoblin legion in the Realm. Sekheri Hobgoblins are gruff, abrasive, and mostly isolationist, but are the most likely of their kin to interact with the other peoples of the Realm. Though the city is primarily Hobgoblin, all goblinoids can be found here, in addition to ogres and some giants.    Though most outsiders see all Sekheri Hobgoblins are a homogenous group, the city is actually composed of four legions that have united under a common leader. Each legion has their own martial specialization, culture, history, and aesthetic.    The highly adaptable Broken Sword Legion is the must numerous and most commonly seen. They produce many of the arms and armor of the city. The Claw Legion is sometimes called Maglubiyet's Chosen, and are comprised of mostly Bugbears. The Swift Wind Legion are apex swordsmen, and follow their own strict code of conduct that frequently puts them at odds with other legions. Finally, the Titan Legion is the smallest of the four, comprised of only a few dozen highly decorated veterans. Because of their high station, Titan Legionnaires are usually the most heavily armed and armored. Sharaat Zurnag, the chieftain of Sekerah, is from this legion.


The majority of the population is goblinoid, with the largest demographic being hobgoblin. Few non-goblinoid races are accepted into the city, but it's not uncommon to find groups of goliaths and dwarves in certain areas of Sekerah.


Sekerah is ruled by a chieftan called a Shaarat The Shaarat's word is absolute, but he maintains a council of military elders to advise him/her. Sekheri law prohibits unnecessary violence between it's citizens, but these protections do not often apply to the non-goblinoid population.


The walls of Sekerah are heavily fortified, second only to the mighty walls of Afhurth. The high mountain road leading to the city is similarly fortified, with great stone watchtowers housing Sekheri guardsmen along it's length.

Industry & Trade

Sekerah truly only offers one export: mercenaries. The legion offers its soldiers to any who are willing to pay, but their price comes high. Nevertheless, wealthy merchants often hire Sekheri swordsman as caravan guards. Sekheri blacksmiths also produce fine quality steel, which fetches a similarly high price.


Heavy timbers and columns of roughly hewn stone form the bulk of the architecture in Sekerah. Large cloth and leather canopies and tents are propped up between many buildings, giving the city the appearance of a war-camp.
Inhabitant Demonym

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