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The Bleak Coast

"You call that a storm? My momma conjured more impressive thunder spankin' me when I was a little'un! You don't scare me, none, Storm Lord!"
-a sailor from Brakenskrim, screaming into a hurricane.
    The wet, rocky, and cold region of the northwest Realm is called The Bleak Coast. Gee, I wonder why. Life in this region is difficult, but this rough environment has produced some of the hardiest, most stoic people in the Realm. The turbulent waters of the coast are incredibly difficult to navigate safely, and as such sailors from the Bleak Coast are incredibly capable navigators and helmsmen.    


The Bleak Coast is home to few villages, most of whom rely on some form of fishing or other maritime agriculture.
  1. Jorvaskarren - this hardy town is home to excellent woodworkers, hunters, and leatherworkers. Located between two long mountain ranges, the region around Jorvaskarren is called The Grey Gates. They grow 'em big in Jorvaskarren, native born Gatefolk as they are called are have their silhouettes confused with those of half-orcs and goliaths.
  2. Brakenskrim - sometimes called Brinefolk, the people of Brakenskrim are adept at maximizing their usage of the sea. Buildings are often constructed form recycled ships and driftwood, clothing made from processed kelp and seagrass, and tools made from shells and stones. Don't let their frugality trick you, the Fishmen are excellent craftsmen and resourceful architects.
  3. Greyfish - the saltiest of the seafolk, people of Greyfish are coarse and stubborn. They lead simple lives on the Greyhold Isle, and are wary of outsiders. The only people that Fishmen get along with are their neighbors, the equally grim Martyry.
  4. Tiderock - the largest city in the Bleak Coast. This coastal city is the center of maritime activity in the region, and boasts a great number of nautical craftsfolk.
Coast / Shore

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