Devis Brightwood Character in The Realm of Dappevar | World Anvil

Devis Brightwood

Devis Brightwood

Rowan Hodgson Playable Character 
  Tales of Provenance Character Sheet:      

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad and very strong, with good overall fitness but is developing the start of a beer belly.

Body Features

Strong broad shoulders with a toned chest and legs.

Facial Features

Large bushy eyebrows with a long flowing black beard that is layered with two twisted braids mirroring each side of the face.

Apparel & Accessories

Braid bindings at the end of the beard

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He comes from the town of Thornbul Village It's a small town with a small-town mentality. His family doesn't like Elves, but he heard about a Dwarven bard that was kind of a legend although he doesn't know much.   He sort of got fixated on that idea. He carefully traded with people to acquire musical instruments - not the first things he would have chosen to play but it was something musical he could learn!

Gender Identity





No formal education. Family taught small village mentality


Travelling Busker. will take other jobs if needed so he can eat.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Personal achievement to self teach instruments

Failures & Embarrassments

Trying to busk for the first time. Was insulted and heckled because he was a dwarf, and did it too close to his home town

Mental Trauma

Lack of approval from parents I have trouble trusting in my allies

Intellectual Characteristics

He is Dumb with a capital D!

Morality & Philosophy

If someone is in trouble, I’m always ready to lend help. I judge people by their actions, not their words.   Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. (Good)   My tools are symbols of my past life, and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots.

Personality Characteristics


He became fixated once he heard about this Dwarven Bard Of Legend and wouldn't stop going on about how cool it was that there was a dwarf who went out there, who saw the world, who didn't just look at rocks all day (cue the record scratch & everyone around going oof)   He wants to explore and see the world through a bard's eyes, and traded with nearby folk to get musical instruments & now he has them and he's went through all that trouble....

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Inept at understanding social cues or obvious cultural etiquettes, and struggles to grasp vocal tones like sarcasm.

Likes & Dislikes

Music and exploring new cultures

Vices & Personality flaws

Trouble trusting allies due to the divisive family dynamic that impressed a culture of distrust on outsiders.


Well-groomed and nice smelling


Religious Views

He sort of forgets he should have the faith his family brought him up with. Only when other people point it out he's like "oh yeah i guess"

Social Aptitude

He finds it hard to trust other people completely - expecting them to mock him. However, he can get on in a team when he can understand and trust them

Hobbies & Pets

Learning any musical instrument he can get his hands on
Neutral Good
Current Status
Trying to find his purpose and to be accepted for who he is
Current Location
Date of Birth
18th Day of the 4th Moon, 4004AE
Year of Birth
4004 AE 31 Years old
Current Residence
None (Wandering)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Speak
  • Read
  • Write
  • Speak
  • Read
  • Write