Gustrav Whitefoot

Vulridir Ranger for Order of Menwarrev   Led the Order of Menwarrev rescue party to recover Ferala Gutrani from Kerwood Palace at the request of her father Harel Gutrani.   Helped to capture Faeninka Soral during the chaos that followed the Murder of Prince Norot  , who was originally thought to have kidnapped Ferala Gutrani  During the escape, Faeninka Soral tried to use some kind of magic on their necklace that caused it to become corrupted. When Gustrav picked it up it became fused to his hand, rapidly turning him into a Black Pudding along with Arnan Markolak when he tried to help him.
Current Status
Year of Death
4156 AE
Circumstances of Death
Turned into a Black Pudding
Place of Death
Aligned Organization