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The sorrows of Notverkauf

And the horde of the Blood Dragon

The Blind One

  I stared down my half-empty tankard of warhammer ale, thinking about how penniless I was, and how desperatly I needed money. Then the barkeep said, "ur zkana evit thar lurlom dag, ethr ur zkana gringa" Despite me being a dwarf, I was not the best dwarvish speaker, as I was raised by human parents. The barkeep had said, Are ye gonna sit there all day, or are ye gonna pay? I stood up, and gave the barkeep the last few coppers I had. He thanked me, and I was off.   After I exited the Tavern, I remembered where I was-The Dwarven Caverns of Gundar.   As I turned a corner, I noticed something strange in the alley. As I took a closer look, I noticed that it was an old, blind Duergar. He was writing something in Davek on a piece of paper. It read, Seek out the dragon's gold and ye shall not be forgiven. I was curious, and wanted to know more. So I walked over to the Duergar. All of a sudden, he looked up, and grabbed me. He said, "Vaem gothr thorv borfra eth vlinjala enth!?" What does ye need from the blind one. I told him that I was interested in the dragon he was writing about. Then he began to tell a story.   What goes on in Notverkauf castle? Nobody knows for sure. Some say that a dragon and his cult reside there. But this is not just any Dragon, for this is a Blood Dragon. One that can possess the bodies of the dead, one that can whisper into the minds of the living, and one that breaths a horrid poison that puts you in a terrible limbo between life and death, and turns you into what most would call a Vampire. This Dragon's name strikes fear into the hearts of tht living, Sith'raniil. Sith'raniil's horde is spoken of throughout the realm, supposedly it contains artifacts that amass a wealth more than clan Dräken itself. It also is the alleged place of the Dragonblade. The horde is according to myth either stashed away in cave in the Peak of Darkness, or hidden in secret chamber somewhere in Notverkauf castle.   After I heard that I was determined to find Sith'raniil's horde. I thanked the old man for telling me the story, and I left the alleyway. I went to a stable that a friend of mine owned. I politely asked him if I could borrow a horse for free. My friend asked me where I was going, and I told him. I said I would pay him back with at least a fraction of whatever I gained. He finally agreed, and took the horse up to the great gates of flames. I rode outward and The light of the sun near blinded me. But I kept riding, with the river of infitite flames right next to me.    

The road to Notverkauf

  I had been on the road for four hours now. But I reminded myself that this journey might take days.   I was half-way through the second day's ride when I came upon a traveler. I asked him where he was heading and he told me that he was going to Kathal to sell magical items. He also told me that he was a cleric, and was quite handy with a bow. Whe the fork in the road came, we went our separate ways.   I thought quite a bit about my parents while I was on the road. I thought about how I was a dwarf that was raised by human parents. What was my story? I wondered to myself. I was raised in Tharanduil, and before I went to the University, my adopted parents told me where I was born-Kushnifaal. How did I get from Kushnifaal to Tharanduil. And why? I racked my memory to see if I could remember any wars going on at the time. None.   When I looked up, I realized where I was-Notverkauf castle      

The Blood Pool

    I walked up to the steps of the grand castle, and pushed them open. Before me a large pool lay embedded in the ground, but instead of being filled with water, it was filled with blood. I took a few slow steps inward, thinking back to the blind one. He convinced me this would be a good idea? I thought to myself. Why would I take advice from a blind, old Duegar? I looked around, and saw shadows moving behind the grand pillars. Then, in front of me, a large winged creature began to rise from the blood-Sith'raniil. All of a sudden, a shadowy figures lunged from behind the pillar, took me by the throat, and all of a sudden, I was asleep.   When I awoke, I was on a stone sacrifice table. To my right was a large statue of the blood dragon. To my left, one of the shadowy cloaked figures were chanting something in a forgotten tongue. Then the dragon rose from the blood pool and began to approach me. I reached for my axe, grabbed it, and threw it at the dragon. The flat side hit him in the chest, ad all that did was anger him. I jumped off of the table, and ran for the exit. I reached it, and pushed open the large doors. I ran as fast as I could toward the end of the bridge. I was about halfway across when I heard the dragon's roar. The combined screams of a thousand dead filled the air, but I kept running. Just before I reached the end of the bridge, I was snatched up by the dragon's talons, and we flew towards the Peak of Darkness.   When we were halfway up the volcano I was dropped, and I hit the ground hard. But when I looked up, I saw the cave, and remembered the whole point of this journey. I scrambled to me feet, and ran towards the cave, and when I got there, I saw it, the blood dragon's horde. I ran through the golden, shining cavern, picking up coins and gems as I went. Finally, I came to the most prized piece of all-The Dragonblade. I took the blade, and had begun to exit the cave when I saw Sith'raniil before me.   Give me the blade.   I heard him whisper in my mind.   Give it to me, and I will do you no harm.   I would not let him take control of me. I shouted and ran towards him, blade in hand. As I got closer, I realized how large he was. I climbed up a large, golden dune and leaped at the dragon, slicing his chest. It was cut open, the dragon staggered back, and the screams of a thousand dead filled the air once more. I watched him fall out of the cave. He tried to fly but failed, and took a great tumble to the ground. His cult of Vampires quickly ran to his aid.   I slipped past the distracted vampires, and mounted my horse. I began to ride northeast, toward the dwarven caverns.    

The Tavern

The next day, I found myself yet again with a half empty tankard of warhammer ale in my hand. But this time, instead of staring blankly down the tankard in a dwarven tavern, I was in Kathal, chatting with the cleric I met on the road to Notverkauf.


Author's Notes

This tale is not a historical event in the realm of Gundar, but a mere story that takes place in Gundar. The dragon is not dead, nor the gold found.

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