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Gabr Do' Eil

Divine Domains

Do'Eil is the Lord of Gluttony and Patron of Debauchers and Partiers.

Holy Books & Codes

The third chapter of the Kidokak is devoted to Do'Eil and his realm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol Do'Eil is an overflowing goblet of wine or blood, depending on the individual who crafted the symbol.  

Tenets of Faith

Gorge yourself.  Drink until you drop.  This world was made for your enjoyment, enjoy it to the fullest.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

It is said Do'Eil has the least stake in the blood war.  He exists for his own enjoyment and only serves Do'Asmodeus out of fear for his life.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Do'Eil is often depicted as a richly dressed, overweight man sitting on a chair with a turkey leg in one hand and a goblet of wine in the other.     The description of Do'Eil found in the third chapter of the Kidokak:
"He sits upon his chair, gorging himself at the table of the enemy, grease and slobber staining his rich apparel. His pale, pudgy flesh shakes as he laughs and feasts. Dark eyes are barely visible, sunken so deep into his face, seeking more to eat, more to drink, more to enjoy."

Personality Characteristics


Do'Eil does not seem to have any goals or motivation other than his insatiable desire to eat, drink, and otherwise consume other forms of entertainment.
Divine Classification
Infernal Lord
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Do' in Do'Eil's name is a title referring to one in possession of great power. All the Infernal Lords have this applied to their names.
Current Residence
It is said that Do'Eil resides in a palace in The 2nd Hell where he feasts for all time

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