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Morha Do' Shiira

Divine Domains

Do'Shiira is the Lady of Lust and the Patron of Lovers and Lechors.

Holy Books & Codes

Details on Do'Shiira and her realm can be found in the seventh chapter of the Kidokak.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Do'Shiira is often represented by a red rose who's thorns drip with blood.  

Tenets of Faith

Pursue your most filthy desires, for those desires are who you truly are.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Do'Shiira seems to have no real goals other than her own insatiable lust for men, women, and power.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Do'Shiira is commonly depicted as an attractive and well endowed woman with pale skin, black hair, and eyes like amethysts.  Some groups prefer a male depiction with similar features, although the endowment is placed in another area.     The description of Do'Shiira found in the seventh chapter of the Kidokak:
"They stand in perfect duality, a hand caressing Ahar's back.  He shrugs they're pale arm away, promising later act in return for their loyalty.  They brush their black hair from their amethyst eyes before joining the battle in earnest."

Personality Characteristics


Some parts of the Kidokak seem to suggest that Do'Shiira become one of the Infernal Lords due to her lust for Do'Asmodeus.  Seemingly he keeps her on edge, promising that she may have him once the Demons are defeated.
Divine Classification
infernal Lord
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Do' in Do'Shiira's name is a title referring to one in possession of great power. All the Infernal Lords have this applied to their names.
Current Residence
Do'Shiira resides in a palace full of concubines of all shapes and sizes in The 6th Hell

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