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Automatons are a very new and interesting addition to the Realm of Milnir. Brought about by the rise of Arcanotech upon the Realm, Automatons are mostly viewed as workers, servants and assistants, doing whatever their programming tells them to do. However, in recent years, some have grown a conscience and a higher level of intelligence, and have broken away from their programing. Many engineers and arcanotech scholars theorize that the Milax that empowers the Automatons' Mil Core is granting them sentience. If this is the case, the Realm might need to welcome in a new culture.
  If you pick an Automaton, use the Warforged race template and gain one of the following Features of your choice, based on the type of model your character might've been created as:


You were made to carry heavy loads, resist tremendous damage, or are simply a really big fella.
  • Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2
  • You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • Juggernaut's Might:

You can Activate Juggernaut's Might as a bonus action for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. While active, your speed is reduced by 5, you can't be unwillingly moved unless the source is two or more size categories larger than you, you gain advantage on Strength and Constitution checks and saving throws, and when you move 15 feet in a straight line towards a creature and end your movement within 5 feet of it, you can choose to ram them with your bonus action. Make a contested Athletics check against the creature's Athletics or Acrobatics. On a success, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to your proficiency bonus + half your level and is knocked prone.

You can use Juggernaut's Might twice per long rest. At 5th level, you can use Juggernaut's Might thrice per long rest and can't be knocked prone while it's active.



You were made for battle. Whether as a guard bot or as part of Sioan armies, you are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity scores by 2
  • When you make an unarmed strike, you can deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage instead of the normal damage. In addition, you come equipped with an Armblade.

  • Battle Mode:

As a bonus action, you can activate Battle Mode for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. During Battle Mode you gain an additional reaction that you can use only for making opportunity attacks, you ignore the loading property of weapons with which you are proficient and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage instead of 1d6. If you're wielding a weapon instead, you deal an extra 2 damage on a hit.

You can use Battle Mode a number of times equal to 1 + half your proficiency bonus rounded down before taking a long rest. At 5th level, your unarmed strikes during battle mode become d10s instead of d8s, you deal an extra 3 damage if you're wielding a weapon, and you gain another reaction for making opportunity attacks.


Mobile Unit

Whether for scouting, delivering or travelling, you were made to cover great distances quickly and find your way while doing so.
  • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom scores by 2
  • You have a fly or swim speed equal to your walk speed (Your choice)
  • You have advantage on survival checks made to find your way somewhere as long as you've been provided clear information of your objective, its general location and a description of its surroundings.

  • Turbo:

You can activate Turbo as a bonus action for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. While Turbo is active, your speeds increase by 10 feet, you have advantage on skill checks to break out of restrains and grapples, and you don't provoke opportunity attacks. In addition, you have advantage on Perception checks.

You can activate Turbo a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before taking a long rest. At 5th level, your speeds increase by 10 feet, and while in turbo you can expend a bonus action to automatically break out of restraints or a grapple. Additionally, you only need a general location and description to gain advantage on survival checks to find your way somewhere.


Entertainer Bot

Made to bring happiness and joy, or simply catch the attention of onlookers, your dextreous and charismatic nature makes you a prime entertainer.
  • Increase your Dexterity or Charisma scores by 2
  • You have advantage on Acrobatics and Performance checks made to entertain.
  • You are proficient in the Insight skill and have advantage on checks made to determine someone's impression of you.

  • Ultimate Entertainment

You can activate Ultimate Entertainment as a bonus action for 1 minute or until you dismiss as a bonus action. During Ultimate Entertainment, you have advantage on Dexterity and Charisma checks and saving throws. You gain a climb speed equal to your walk speed and you are capable of enthralling people around you. As an action, you can target each creature in a 20 foot radius around you and attempt to charm them. They must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your charisma or dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus) or become charmed by you for 1 minute. The effect ends if you attack any of the affected creatures. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the condition.


You can use Ultimate Entertainment a number of times equal to 1 + your Proficiency bonus per long rest. At 5th level, you have advantage on all Acrobatics and Perfomance checks you make and have a climb speed equal to half your walk speed.

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