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East Milnir

East Milnir was once a beautiful place. Long before the expansion of Adar, before the Dwarves and the elves and the humans were even concieved, Milnir was split in two during The Cleansing. East Milnir remained mostly untouched for thousands of years, as the influence of the majority of the Gods could not reach it, but life found it's way there nonetheless. When mankind expanded over into East Milnir, communities began to settle upon its hills, mountains and coasts. It was a point of progress; of growth. However, this couldn't be further from the destiny that awaited this place...   When Auth, The Lich King decided to shed his humanity and perform the wretched ritual that granted him his title, the first ones to feel its effects were the inhabitants of East Milnir. Thousands were sacrificed all at once due to the curse he released upon the land, an expanding blight that consumed all it touched. The plants withered, and the animals fell, as did the people of the old Ehrsbach. When Lamis and Öldrin arrived to stop him, it was already too late, but a chunk of Ehrsbach was severed and turned into what we now call The Forbidden Isle, where Auth now resides with the undead armies of old Ehrsbach he maintained. His influence spread too far, however, and East Milnir's days were already over. Or perhaps they had just began...   Auth's curse brought the Vampires, the Lycanthropes, the Demons, all of them out from the depths they resided in. The Eldritch energies of the Abyss allowed the wretched who shall not be named to seep back into our Realm. The remaining population of Ehrsbach was enslaved quickly, and those who survived had to flee their home. Then, after some time, He emerged. He was incorporeal, or so many thought. He was all seeing, all powerful. Noone knew much about Him, but when the disparate communities of Ehrsbach began to unite under the new title of The Grand Duchy of Ehrsbach, we all knew the lands of East Milnir were truly lost. Now, horrendous creatures roam its territory, acting like civilized beings but being far from it, like a mocking mask that tries to convince you it still has empathy left. The population of Ehrsbach are treated like cattle by the ones at the top: The Vampires, The Lycanthropes, The Demons, The Ancient Ones, The Undead, and Him. And a new threat has emerged. The Colony of Anthold, crawling with hundreds of thousands of oversized ants, highly intelligent and hungry for dominion over the rest of the Realm. The Duchy and the Colony war with eachother for territory, but in doing so are too preoccupied to invade the rest of the Realm. Let us hope it remains that way...

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