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Created alongside Humans, Elves rose infused with celestial energy. As such, they come in the form of celestial parts of the world, such as the moon, the sun, the earth and the stars. Elves are a beautiful kind to behold, differentiated by their celestial heritages, a gemstone that can be found infused upon their skin (or lack thereof in the case of the Earth elves) which functions as the representation of their physical form and with horns adorning their heads.   There are four main types of elf:  



Sun elves (high elf):

The sun elves have a direct connection to the Gods of fire. Shaped with the power of the celestial body they're named after, the Sun elves' skin can range from a strong crimson to a blinding yellow. Their eyes also shine with the brightness of the sun, and they have innate spellcasting that allows them to tap into the powers of flame itself. Their horns shine brightly and can heat up to burn like hot iron. Sun Elves can live for up to about 800 years, although some have been capable of reaching well over a thousand

If you choose to play a Sun elf, change the Elf Weapon Training and Cantrip features of the high elf for this feature:

Sun Elf Magic:

You know the create bonfire and firebolt cantrips, and you can cast burning hands once per day. At 3th level you can cast Scorching Ray once per day. You can use spell slots to cast this spell. Your spellcasting ability for these spells can be your choice of constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma.  

Moon elves (Sea elf):

Moon elves, similarly to sun elves, are connected to the Moon itself. Their skin ranges from a milky white to a strong blue, and their eyes have the soft shine of moonlight. They have innate spellcasting that lets them tap into the powers of the tide, and as such are able to wield water and ice. Their horns are usually cold to the touch, and slim in their shape. Most of them are capable of glowing in the dark. Also similarly to Sun elves, Moon Elf livespans are estimated at around 750 to 800 years.

If you choose to play a Moon elf, change the Sea Elf Training feature of the sea elf with this feature:


Moon Elf Magic:

You know the shape water and frostbite cantrips, and you can cast Ice Knife once per day. At 3th level you can cast Rime's Binding Ice once per day. You can use spell slots to cast these spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells can be your choice of constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma.    

Star elves (Drow elf):

Star elves are connected to the long void of space, where the distant shining stars reside. Their skin resembles a starstruck void filled with nebulous clouds, and their eyes contain an absolute black. Their innate connection to the stars allows them to be connected to the powers of fate, and as such are said to have the ability to gleam into the future. Their horns can be misty shapes swirling upon their heads like a floating nebula or attached like any other horn, but with the markings of the stars engraved upon it with bright shining motes of light. Star Elves are thought to be capable of living forever, with no known cases of a star elf dying from old age. Whether this is true or not is mostly unknown.

If you choose to play a Star elf, change the Drow Weapon Training, Drow magic and Sunlight Sensitivity features of the drow elf for this feature:

Star Elf Magic:

You know the Guidance and Dancing Lights cantrips, and you can cast Sanctuary once per day. When you reach 3th level, you can cast Augury once without requiring material components, as you consult the constellations for guidance on future events. You can use spell slots to cast these spells. After you cast it this way, at the start of everyday you have a 25 percent chance of being able to cast Augury again without requiring a spell slot. Your spellcasting ability for these spells can be your choice of constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma.  

Earth elves (Wood Elf):

Earth elves are connected to nature itself. Their skin ranges from a light warm tan to a strong brown, and their eyes shine with the green of the leaves. Their connection to the earth allows them to reshape it at will, and they are capable of speaking to plants. Their horns resemble the bark of expertly carved wood or coiled green and healthy vines which infuse with their skin. It's been studied that they're able to feel the frequencies of plants and animals with their horns in order to communicate with them. Earth elves are the most short lived of their kind, being estimated at around 400-500 years. Some have been capable of greatly suprassing this number, however.

If you choose to play an Earth elf, change the Elf Weapon Training feature of the wood elf for these features:  

Earth Elf Magic:

You know the Mold Earth and druidcraft cantrips, and you can cast Speak with Animals once per day. At 5th level you can cast Locate Animals or Plants once per day. You can use spell slots to cast these spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells can be your choice of constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma.  

Speech of Beast and Leaf.

You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.     All elves reproduce through the process of rituals specific to each elf type:
  • Moon elves go through a ritual named "The Moonlight" which occurs every half year. In it, an elven couple comes together to infuse a gem with the light of the rare blue moon, giving form to an elven child. Moonstones are a common choice, but any gem can be used.
  • Sun elves have a similar event that occurs every new year, similarly to a the moonlight, which is called a Red Sun. In the last week of every month in Milnir, the sun shines with crimson red, but at the end of the year, the sky turns red from the sun's color shift. The ritual for the sun elves is called "The Sunlight" and also requires an elven couple to infuse a gemstone with the light of the red sun. Similarly to the Moon elves, a Ruby is a common choice amongst sun elves, but any gem works
  • Star elves function slightly differently. A star elf's creation is foretold long ago by the constellations that shine in the sky. As such, a star elf is tasked with locating said reading and casting the will of the fates unto a gemstone. The process is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, as locating the readings of the elf's creation and its future is also what brings said future into being. Most gemstones found in Star elves resemble that of Star Sapphires after the process, but this may vary. Star Elves' body manifests fully grown and having the identity and maturity of an adult. Some say interacting with them feels as though they have lived many lives already.
  • Earth elves also function differently. Unlike their celestial cousins, earth elves grow like plants, which must be maintained and protected during the process. This process takes around 6 months to complete, and once an earth elf finishes growing, the marks of the roots and vines that gave it life are imprinted upon its skin. Also unlike their celestial counterparts, Earth Elves are capable of cultivating multiple of their kind at a time, which leads to a lot of Earth elf families being made up of many members as they are not limited to the 1 or 2 children the Sun and moon elf rituals are limited in creating.
  (Note: Elves tend to have what we’d consider spanish or latino names in Milnir)  

Cultural Notes:

Elven cuisine

Elves' affinity against charms and other similar effects is not only seen in magic. They hold a strong resistance to psychodelics and hallucinatory substances and employ them in their foods as spices and condiments. This, as one might expect, makes a lot of elven cuisine rather dangerous to unsuspecting individuals, so it is always better to ask if any will be included on a meal.  

Catalysts of Emotion

Elves' gemstones can sometimes present their emotions or sensations through small shifts in it's color. The strength and frequency of these color shifts varies from elf to elf, as does the ability to control them, but some colors are generally associated with some emotions, such as: Red=anger, Blue=sadness, Yellow=fear, Pink=arousal, Green= jealousy. An elf's eyes may sometimes color shift accordingly in some cases. (Or in the case of Earth Elves, this is their main form of presenting this trait, as they lack a gemstone)




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