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Goddess of Darkness, Mis

Keeper of secrets and Goddess of the Night, Mis is both respected and feared. Thought to hold a connection with The Forgotten Ones, Mis' followers can range from those that find comfort in the dark corners of the night to mad scholars attempting to uncover that which lies beyond the veil. Mis and Sil, Goddess of the Moon, are said to be together and some rumors hold they created Star Elves.
  Mis' followers may possess innate connections to the unseen realms, allowing them to communicate with entities that dwell within darkness. They often serve as oracles and advisers to those seeking guidance. Many followers are drawn to the mysterious and otherworldly aspects of her domain. They study ancient texts, myths, and lore related to The Forgotten Ones, seeking to understand their connection to these eldritch entities. Some of Mis' followers view her as a deity who represents balance, recognizing the necessity of both light and darkness in the world. They seek to maintain equilibrium and prevent one force from overwhelming the other.

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