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No One knows exactly where Halflings came from. Many speculate them to be distant cousins of the Dwarves, while others theorize they may have come to be through the fusion of humans and gnomes long ago. Whatever the case, halflings are a cheery, laid back and friendly community, always ready for a drink and a nice meal next to the fireplace or a social gathering. They take joy in the simpler things in life, and do not follow much structure aside from forming groups and creating towns and villages. They are also inexplicably lucky, sometimes going beyond that of normal fate but rather some sort of unseen force acting upon their lives. Halflings reproduce like humans, but during pregnancy it is thought that whatever a halfling eats will give certain traits to the halfling child: A halfling that has a craving for sweets could birth a cheerful, energetic and adventurous child, or one that craves sour foods could give life to a quiet, knowledgeable and thoughtful one. Halflings have a tendency to hold a celebration everytime a child is born, as they are constantly looking for any reason to party. Their disparate communities can be found far and wide in most forests, hills and mountains, but halflings prefer to stay in warm places, as they hate the cold.

If you choose to play a halfling, you gain the following features as well as any features gained through your subrace:  

Halfling Charm:

Your kind’s natural affinity for social situations makes you great at befriending others. You have advantage in Charisma checks made to befriend a creature during social gatherings and other such environments.  

Second Chance:

Your lucky nature causes fortune to favor you. When a creature you can see hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to force that creature to reroll. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you roll initiative at the start of combat or until you finish a short or long rest. At 5th level, you can use this feature to reroll an attack roll, ability check or saving throw you make. You must use this feature after seeing the roll but before you know whether it succeeded or failed.

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