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Order of the Spellbreakers

The Order of the Spellbreakers is a shadow organization that reaches most of the Realm. Its hidden warriors and assassins can be found pretty much anywhere, although most of their members are fairly easy to tell apart due to their zealousness. The Order of the Spellbreakers started as a Slayer order that focused on hunting spellcasters. It was made after Auth's ascension to try and staunch out any who would dare endanger the Realm with their Arcane powers. While this initial cause was somewhat reasonable and came from a sensible point, it quickly devolved into overzealous witch hunting. Members of the order would go into towns and, using their status within the Silver Blade, would haunt down, imprison and kill any who were suspected of "Endangering the Realm" through their magic. The reputation of the order became so bad that the Silver Blade shunned them from their ranks and Spellbreakers became outlawed. However, in spite of the Realm's efforts to stop such a group, hate has a way of clinging onto things. Spellbreakers remain now, still. Entire towns may actively hunt spellcasters and it's very likely whoever's in charge calls themselves a Spellbreaker. Nowadays the Order is seen as more of a cult than anything, specially considering the safety and regulations imposed upon magic users making their excessive hatred towards magic a hateful crusade rather than any kind of salvation. Some still study their ways, however, as the techniques and strategies of the Spellbreakers have proved quite useful in stopping powerful spellcasters.

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