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The Master of Whispers

The Master of Whispers is an eldritch individual, shrouded in madness and holding secrets that would make most mortals' minds consume themselves in despair. Thought to be an avatar of the wills of the Forgotten Ones, The Master of Whispers is capable of harnessing the powers of that which lies beyond the veil of this Realm's understanding. It is no surprise that, with the forbidden knowledge he holds, the hierarchy that the Order of Ad'grul operates under is based on the whispered words of otherwordly understanding of the unknown that the Master plants on his most trustworthy followers, gifting them a portion of his strength in the process. These words of maddening knowledge are not reserved only for his most loyal followers, however. Individuals unfortunate enough to show promise or raw power are instead gifted with something far worse. With strings of incomprehensible secrets, the Master is capable of rending a creature's physical form, and reshaping them into a new being under his command. These creatures vary greatly, but most are used to serve in the Masters eldritch army and deployed in nightly attacks against the people of Skuggi when the Master feels they've overstepped more than he wishes.


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