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The Silver Blade

The Silver Blade is an esteemed organization of elite hunters and witchers, known as the Slayers of the Silver Blade, dedicated to eradicating the abominations that plague the realm. Their unwavering resolve to confront and conquer the most formidable foes has led them to venture into the treacherous Frozen Wastelands, where the curse of the Iceheart Plague, unleashed by Zalaxar, the God of Decay, has wrought devastation for ages. Despite their valiant endeavors, rumors abound that the harsh and grueling training the Slayers endure is merciless and unyielding, transforming them into hardened and ruthless warriors. The Silver Blade's ruthless methods are matched only by their unflinching commitment to vanquish the darkness that threatens the world, no matter the cost.   A handful of Silver Blade settlements can be found around Hashlan, as well as some other parts of Sioa (although this is rarer), in locations hidden away from most of civilization, each with their own Elite Slayer. Although all of them are authorized to issue the title of Slayer, most seek the true status of training under Stonepull himself, with few being able to succeed.  

Structure and Hierarchy of the Silver Blade

The Silver Blade operates using a rank system that signifies one's place and status within the organization. These titles are shown in the form of insignia carried by each Slayer, which are adorned with symbols that signify their position. Ranking up in the Silver Blade has a variety of ways to occur. Slaying an uncommon or rare creature is a fairly common one. A Newblood may seek out a Yeti or a Banshee to slay on their own, or form hunting parties for greater monsters like an Ice Troll. Upon proof of kill being shown to a higher ranked Silver Blade representative, a higher ranked insignia is issued. Slayers are also allowed to duel eachother to the death, getting the other's insignia upon victory. This is a rarer form of ranking up, as word will get around quite quickly at the absence of a slayed monster as proof, which might stain someone's reputation among Slayer ranks or may cause other slayers to hunt them down in turn, be it as revenge or to prove their own strength. The ranks are as follows, in order:   1. Newblood: The newcomers. People fresh out of training and given a title. These are the most common types of Slayers, and roam the lands in bulk. It does not take much to become a Newblood, although this does not make Newbloods weak. The trials of the Silver Blade are rough and require skill and strength to complete, so Newbloods are still a force to be reckoned with, specially in numbers. Their insignia is a medallion in the form of a young phoenix taking flight.   2. Oldblood: Hardened members of the Silver Blade. These members have faced great foes and lived to tell the tale, which few Slayers ever get to do. Oldblood are not only higher ranked, but are granted greater knowledge on the occult ways of the organization, which will pave their future as a Slayer. Their insignia is a medallion with the form of an adult phoenix wreathed in flame, although this can be customized to take on other forms. These other forms cannot in any way immitate a higher rank's appearance, and doing so can be grounds to revoke their rank and banish them from the organization or demote them back to a Newblood until they prove themselves once more. Oldblood may be authorized access to documents and information that may assist in the completion of a hunt. An Oldblood can reliably get access to someone in a position of authority in a village or town for the purposes of carrying out a hunt.   3. Veteran Hunter: Veteran Hunters are among the best in the organization, holding knowledge of monsters and control over their abilities way beyond even the most powerful Oldblood. They lead expeditions into the Frozen Wastelands and are the most reliable people to deal with greater threats, such as Bone Wyverns and marauding Efreet. Veteran Hunters are allowed to give out ranks to lower ranked members of the Silver Blade, and are usually sent out to hunt other rogue Slayers who've lost their way or have become a problem for one reason or another. Many cocky Oldblood challenge Veteran Hunters into duels to try and rank up quickly, and a grand majority are sliced apart before they can even realize their mistake. Veteran Hunters are considerably rarer than the lower ranks, but they more than make up their quantity with quality. Their insignia is a silver medallion in the form of a blade plunging into a heart.   4. Elite Slayer: Elite slayers are the best of the best. Leaders of their own settlements, they train newcomers and grant them access into the organization. An Elite Slayer is not merely a powerful warrior. They're knowledgeable on the nature of many of the beings that inhabit Milnir and how to bring them down. Elite Slayers communicate with other settlements, issue members out to certain locations on request of leaders in need and can revoke someone's rank as they see fit. Their insignia is a silver medallion in the form of three blades plunging into a heart. Some Elite Slayers choose to tatoo their rank's symbol onto their skin. This can be seen mostly on some of the more loyal Elites, as it's seen as a form of taking pride in their position, rather than wishing to usurp the Elder Warden.   5. Elder Warden: The Elder Warden is not a rank normally achievable by the average slayer. There is currently only one Elder Warden. Krim Stonepull. The Elder Warden holds the highest status among the entire organization, and all members, even Elite Slayers, answer to him. Elite Slayers have attempted to take his place in the past, and have paid the price for their foolish decision. The Elder Warden's insignia is a silver medallion in the form of a singular blade pointing upwards, surrounded by a swirling typhoon. It is said the Elder Warden's medallion is infused with magic that grants him powerful abilities, although few have seen the great Stonepull utilize his full strength.
Controlled Territories

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