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Draven Restler

Draven Restler

Draven was a collage drop out from the outer sector who lived his life connected to local thugs and gang members, but that all changed when he was thrust into the nightmare, he doesn't even know how he survived, since as soon as he opened his eyes in the nightmare, he could see nothing.   The sense of powerless he had to adapt to forced him to drop all his previous habits as he struggled to adapt to his flaw,   While he was picked up and sent to the academy, due to his flaw nobody thing he will survive, not even himself. The whispers of the wind have helped him by pure chance, but he doen't wish to rely on luck.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well built. Broad shoulders and cut.

Body Features

Nothing of note other than tattoos left over from his past life.

Identifying Characteristics

Wears a blindfold to cover his greyed over eyes

Physical quirks

Compleately blind

Special abilities

Can hear the whispers in the wind that guides him and can sometimes grant him fragments of a future to come, can perceive produce sounds of frequencies outside the average human range, can summmon spectral black wings, allowing him the fly.

Apparel & Accessories

Black Blindfold

A 6" man with long hair tied into dreads, who covers his eyes with a blindfold, he is relatively quiet unless he feels something needs to be said in that moment.

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22 years old
Greyed over, (previously blue)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Increadibly pale
80 Kg

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