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Raven Song

Raven Song (a.k.a. Stray)

Anxious daughter of the Song family, really just wants to go home and hide in her room and cry. She likes drawing, not having to fight and kill, and when people are nice to her. Gained Hemomancy powers which she uses her artistic talents to form weapons with; though she also uses it to inflict harmful and supportive effects and glue her idiot friends back together after they rush into combat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin but athletically muscular to a surprising degree

Body Features

SH scars on her arms (some due to her powers) Shoulder Tattoo Long black nails Palms of her hands have what resembles burn scars

Facial Features

Freckle dashed face and cheeks Big round glasses (no longer needed but she still wears them) Heterochromatic eyes Three ear piercings on her left ear, representing those she's lost. One for her (formerly) missing sister, one for the life she took, and one for the birth family.

Identifying Characteristics

Extremely pale Her body has a lot of scars from her training

Physical quirks

One eye is a yellow-green, the other eye is hazel

Special abilities

Hemomancy Blood Weave Drawing

Apparel & Accessories

Priestess Dress (usually wears a full body black dress) Memory Armour Clawed Ring

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adopted in to the Song family from the outskirts at a very young age. Suffers from social anxiety and Agoraphobia and spends most of her time in her room; resulting in her falling behind her sisters in terms of skills and education and driving a wedge between her and her siblings resulting in many of them refering to her as "Stray" instead of her name; something she has taken to heart.

Gender Identity

Cis woman




Martially trained in hand to hand and small blade combat Self taught in landscape drawing and person sketching

Accomplishments & Achievements

Blood Weave Killed an egg Talked to strangers and made friends with at least two of them Got the shield shard

Failures & Embarrassments

Her sisters dislike her anxious nature and cowardice amd desire to hide away in her room where it was safe, and started referring to her as "Stray". Barely survived getting her powers Shield is too heavy so she fell flat on her face

Mental Trauma

Killed someone in the real world once, covers her hands and arms because when she looks at them she sees the blood all over them from when it happened. She became obsessive over cleaning them to such a degree which burnt her hands with bleach to try and get rid of the blood she was seeing. Now she covers her hands and arms at all times.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely artistic and loves sketching, drawing and painting. Creative, but not super intelligent - too much time hiding in her room instead of learning

Morality & Philosophy

The world is beautiful; and so is life, and any choice not to fight or kill is better.


She doesn't like showing skin, not due to her scars or trauma but mostly because she's shy about her looks. She doesn't like having bare arms or hands, independent of the first issue, because of trauma

Personality Characteristics


She would like to go home. Now.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at drawing and fighting Awful at talking to people and having to lead or plan

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Drawing Being alone Bathing Praise and support   Dislikes: Attention Herself Unecessary violence Her mother Strangers

Vices & Personality flaws

Agoraphobia Social anxiety


Naturally pretty so she doesn't put much effort into her appearance but she's extremely clean


Contacts & Relations

Song Family

Family Ties

She loves her family (except her mom) but most of her sisters view her as a burden She appreciates the Song family for taking her in and giving her a good life but she wouldn't go out of her way to prevent it from being wiped out. Her dislike of her mother is only due to the roughness of her training and the incident which led to her killing someone.

Religious Views

She believes in ghosts or some form of afterlife, and hopes for the forgiveness of the person she killed. She is currently athiest

Social Aptitude

Socially innept


Hides at the back of groups and crowds Fidgets a lot Has a slight stutter when talking due to how stressful talking is for her. It's worse if she's the focus of attention or she's talking to a stranger Cannot make eye contact

Hobbies & Pets

Drawing! Fashion and make up


A ice thin veil of eloquence which breaks down as soon as she starts stuttering The more she knows a person the easier she can talk to them Actually very excitable like a small child Speaks with a faint French accent

Wealth & Financial state

Wealthy but not like a pompus tory asshole. She doesn't really have the best concept or understanding of money, but due to being a shut in rather than privlidged.

Anxious and unreasonably buff daughter of Song with blood powers.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of Song
Date of Birth
May 12th, 2261
The Outskirts
Current Residence
Song Household
Hazel and Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White (very pale)
Quotes & Catchphrases
I can glue you back together Well, except David Only if Graphic consents

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Opinions on People

Teammembers: 1. Ervny Close friend and person she trusts the most. Very effective and useful, and very nice and patient. His axe makes her nervous. 2. Iris Close friend and person she trusts a lot. Concerned about the seizures. 3. Graphic She likes Graphic, and definitely wants to hang out with him more. She feels bad for constantly making him do weird things. 4. David She distrusts him, because she knows what he is. However he is useful and entertaining. 5. Mack Got off to a rough start and doesn't have much of connection to him. 6. Angus No relationship with him, however some experience with him. 7. Euclid Actively dislikes him due to the three months of nudity. 8. Morrigan No relationship with them, complete stranger.   Other People: 1. Sam Nice sand lady, was nice to her so she likes Sam. 2. Cyra and Blazingflame Weary of them due to who they are, but appreciative of how helpful they are 3. Sayshan Song Missing big sister! Happy to see her alive and well, but not so happy to be back in the Song household environment 4. The Song Family Mixed relationship. 5. The Immortal Flame Clan She is sorry for what she has done... 6. Soveriegn Song Lowkey hates her.


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