Commander's VISOR Item in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Commander's VISOR

VISOR Need-to-know


Technical Overview

The VISOR consists of three main components.


The Frame is the device physically connecting the VISOR to its user. The frame can come in any shape, from spectacles to loose gadgets to arm-mounted devices.

The VISOR’s exterior frame is dynamically manifested by converting stored energy into mass based on available blueprints and known material compositions. The dynamic manifestation ensures that the frame is kept intact by regenerating faulty segments of the frame when damage is inflicted to it. To ensure the user’s comfort, the VISOR is capable of recycling its frame and components and modify its appearance to better suit the environment and style choices of its wearer.

The frame houses a sensory array that examines the user’s surroundings at all times, providing a data feed the system is capable of utilizing to aid its user. This sensory array may includes cameras, microphones, infrared sensors, short-range sonar, radio wave receivers, radiation detectors and more.

Depending on the viewing preferences, the frame may also house various display devices, used to illustrate data to the user. Communication equipment may also be installed within the frame, if the option is welcomed.

Dimensional Tunnel

The Dimensional Tunnel exists to bridge the Frame and the Interior. The tunnel is a compact portal permanently kept open, capable of moving through space and time on one end of the connection, namely, the side of the frame. The tunnel facilitates the connection between the equipment in the frame to the equipment within the interior of the dimensional pocket.

It is disadvised to gaze into the Dimensional Tunnel, this is known to cause severe headaches that may last up to eight hours, along with symptoms of disorientation and mild nausea.


The VISOR’s Interior is a pocket dimension created and maintained by its Omni Colored Power Core, a material of extreme scarcity within the organisation at this time. This pocket dimension is used to store a wealth of electronic equipment, all connected to a central processing supercomputer unit. A network of mechanical arms on rails allows for maintenance and operation of physical buttons, levers, handles and doors, as well as the retrieval of items from the inventory system.

The Interior is capable of assimilating more devices into its operation, simply by ‘feeding’ them to the VISOR’s assimilation system. They are then connected to the grid for power and operated using the central processing unit. The standard VISOR variant includes at the very least a refrigerator, storage unit, wardrobe, armory and a washing machine.

The Omni Colored Power Core is also responsible for facilitating the mental link between the VISOR’s bearer and the VISOR’s CPU, teleporting the VISOR in case it is separated from its bearer, manifesting the Frame in case it is damaged or in need of a makeover, linking up to the Broforce for instant communication and endless bandwidth and acting as an emergency override for power armor controls in case its pilot is unconscious.

Combat Analysis

The VISOR was initially developed to facilitate an improved environmental awareness for combat situations. As such, the VISOR is equipped and optimized to process data received from the environment and pinpoint early signs of danger that the user can respond to in time.
Data from Combat Analysis is fed directly into the mind of the VISOR’s operator, resulting in them simply being aware of the information it is offering them, without needing to look at visual signals or notifications. As such, Combat Analysis is rightfully considered an extension to the user’s mind.

Risk Analysis

The VISOR scans the environment constantly throughout combat to detect factors that may pose a risk within the near future. Cracks in pillars, loose floorboards, weather conditions, moving objects and intoxicated patrons are but a few examples of risks kept in check by the VISOR.

Risk Analysis provides notes to the VISOR’s operator when appropriate, keeping information minimal, as to not cause distractions.

Target Analysis

The VISOR keeps a close eye on engaged targets in combat, analysing movement patterns, weapon and projectile trajectories and even aetheric disturbances caused by the opponent. Target Analysis is broadened further by the measuring of the effect blows dealt to the target seem to have, formulating a weakness or weak point to exploit.

Target Analysis is the most resource draining module of the VISOR’s arsenal, keeping tabs on every minute piece of data it can register on an opponent to ensure the survival of its operator. It is advised to heed its signals at all times, especially those deemed high priority. Filters exist within the options to drown out some of the less needed information.

Personal Assistant

With a wealth of information available in the League’s databases, both from extensive research, encyclopedic entries from various literature and notes taken by its members, the VISOR offers all of this information when appropriate to its operator through use of its Personal Assistant module.

The Personal Assistant module responds to user’s questions, focus or stated goals, resulting in Just-In-Time Information being passed on. The PA module is capable of providing notes, maps, images, graphs or other helpful illustrations to convey information onto the VISOR’s operator.

It must be stated that the Personal Assistant is not a Sentient Artificial Intelligence and it will not actually be communicating with the VISOR’s operator. It is, for all intents and purposes, a search engine.

Known Risks

Extensive exposure to the VISOR has been known to create a symbiotic bond between the device and its operator. Removal of the VISOR after getting accustomed to its capabilities often results in the eerie feeling of having lost an essential part of one’s body. As such, it is advised to either limit exposure to the device or never part with it.

Though various glitches have been patched out of the firmware, the device remains fallible and may not always perform as desired. These glitches may result in the operator feeling disconnected from their added senses and a general sense of unease. Report any bugs and glitches directly to Software Lead Jack Mac Konvoy and keep the device up to date on all software updates.

The VISOR is the most expensive hardware provided to a soldier, though it is ruggedized to be nearly indestructible in average use, the device can be damaged or stolen. Treat the device as if it is a part of your own body, as in many ways, once fully integrated, it is.


Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Extremely Rare
Raw materials & Components


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