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The realm of Elysium formed from human ideals of Goodness; more specifically, the ideals set by the so-called “ethical” religions.
Elysium coalesced out of the Astral Plane around the fifth century BC. The previous 400 years saw a remarkable wave of religious reformers, prophets and mystics.
In China, Lao Tzu revealed the mystic vision of Taoism; Confucius proposed a more worldly philosophy of good conduct and social contracts. In India, Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha — the Enlightened One — and set forth a path of inner peace and transcendence. Vardhamana, founder of Jainism, preached a doctrine of total nonviolence and reverence for all life. In Persia, Zoroaster proclaimed the duty of every person to choose the right side in the eternal war of Good and Evil. The Jews in Palestine reformed the Torah after their captivity in Babylon, and so laid the foundations for Christianity and Islam as well. In Greece, philosophers like Thales and Pythagoras explored rational inquiry and humanism.

All these thinkers rejected the capricious, all-too-human gods of their time. They created new moralities based on higher laws than mere tribal custom and the whims of fickle deities. They intended their new laws for all people and all circumstances. New beliefs created new spirits and new spirit-realms that gradually pulled away from the Land of Legends, even as Faerie pulled away from Earth.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Elysium
Dimensional plane


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