New Detroit Covert Operations Military Formation in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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New Detroit Covert Operations



10 agents, 3 support operators


Urban Loadout

NDCO Business Casual Uniform
NDCO Electric Baton
NDCO Concealable Firearm
NDCO Communication Device

Field Loadout

NDCO Armored Undersuit
NDCO Scout Rifle
NDCO Utility Belt
NDCO 'Chastity Belt' Personal Force Field



NDCO prefers to blend in with society and crowds in order to gather intelligence which may provide leads on their goals. Active infiltration into other organizations or popular establishments is part of regular duty.

When facing combat situations, stealth is recommended before calling in a suit of specialized power armor.


Stealth Training
Powered Armor Piloting
Motorcycle License
Marksmanship Training



No longer recruiting.


Created to keep a close eye on the going-ons of the people within Club Caprice and the local Supergroups that inhabit it, New Detroit Covert Ops would be the first subdivision of the League of Bro to change its methods from force to stealth and subterfuge. To accommodate this change in tactics, the official uniform was given a change of hues, taking on a dark gray and light gray theme, to signify its broader definition of morality.

Agents of NDCO were given several uniforms, its most well-known would be the very ‘Undersuit’ to be developed without armor in mind. Created from layered synthetic fibers, teleportation homers and padding, the undersuit would allow an agent to blend in with others and teleport armor onto themselves in times of need. Remarkably sturdy for its lack of bulk, the undersuit would be the prefered method of protection for its agents for years to come.

NDCO would see another significant development in terms of lasting technology: the VISOR. Created in the labs of ‘Axxi’, this planar pocket device was designed for agents to carry all their necessities out in the field and survive the many supernatural threats they would face as well as tend to their basic necessities. Packed with devices, sensory equipment and basic convenience, the VISOR would be the first device an agent would never want to take off. Whether or not they would want to remove it, they would find themselves at a loss without it, as its features meld with its user’s senses in a way that causes its removal to feel like having a limb severed.
A limited amount of these devices were made, as the materials required for its construction would quickly run out.

Even though NDCO’s mission statement was originally intended for it to function only within the reach of Millennium City, it was later expanded to the world of Tyria as necessity required direct intervention of its agents.
The successful completion of the mission on Tyrian soil resulted in the subdivision being disbanded, much to the joy of its agents.
Covert Ops
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