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PPK Era Summary

Era beginning/end


The beginning and end of the PPK Era.


Early Days

  • Greatest pancake ever made is created, Perfect Pancake Krewe is formed.
  • Gary returns to Tyria, bunks in the boat.
  • Calagg develops a flight system, encounters Lokk during a test run.
  • Gary devises plan to steal yet another airship, trains Tiadda, Xeph and Zaxxi in advanced Aeromancy and stealth.
  • Gary provides the PPK with gear, begins hunting monsters with them to acquire more parts for specialized equipment.
  • Heist is called off in favor of Calagg’s duel with Lokk. Calagg wins duel.
  • PPK nearly breaks up over a dispute of ‘Warrior’s Honor’.

Gary’s Boss

  • Gary goes missing. PPK searches for Gary, approaches Lokk for directions.
  • PPK work for Lokk to gain access to the Subterran Syndicate’s local sector.
  • PPK encounters Jack Konvoy, Gary’s boss. Jack gives PPK the Jack-in-a-Box infinite pizza box.
  • Jack requests the PPK take care of Gary’s unfinished business. Accepting, they dispatch ‘Shadow Gary’, infecting Calagg in the process.
  • Calagg and Tiadda leave to locate Tiadda’s parents, stopping at Calagg’s childhood abode to train under the tutelage of his parents.
  • Jack rewards the PPK. Xeph and Zaxxi gaining their personal airship, the Sparkhawke. Calagg obtains a curious skull-shaped amulet, capable of absorbing and storing magic. Tiadda obtains a dormant suit of armor, dubbed Silfis.

Family Squabbles

  • Calagg and Tiadda travel to Maguuma, locating and retrieving Tiadda’s parents, Calagg defeats a gigantic golem-mech by stealing its energy and converting it into a reality-defying display of necromancy. Calagg fully surrenders to Kaelec Angelo Ravenspear to fulfil this task.
  • Progression is lost in the process.
  • Returning home to lay low for a while, Calagg and Tiadda spend their amassed fortune selling bloodstone shards by buying a house after coming by some empty property.

Brief Reunion

  • PPK reunites to hang out at the new house and see the Sparkhawke. PPK ventures to ruins in the Woodland Cascades, encounters the Dark Knight, Arrendwin Raynes. Defeats Arrendwin, leaving behind his blade.
  • Calagg is challenged to a duel over his EXCLUSIVE, LIMITED EDITION, FIRST FORGING [Sports Sunglasses]. PPK duels Skyler Gwynndon and Bray Fokster, emerge victorious. Calagg informs the other members that they should pursue a path towards breaking the boundaries of reality, bending it to their will.

Transcendence, the quest to gain Calagg’s strength

  • Tiadda seeks a means to break her limits by speaking to Dayvv directly, gains a Signet of Transcendence and learns her first technique: Bisect.
  • Xeph and Zaxxi forge a Signet of Transcendence by digging up old data files from terminals scattered near Rata Pten and acquiring elemental clusters from a garden of meditation. Finding a direct living relative of the author, Xeph encounters Dayvv in his workshop and duels him to unlock her true potential.
  • Zaxxi battles Skyler Gwynndon again, alone, to unlock her own transcendence.

The Palace and the Unbinding

  • Xeph and Zaxxi return to the ruins in Woodland Cascades, looking for further treasure. They encounter Arrendwin, now revived by the Paladin, Winfried. They defeat the pair of exceptionally sturdy opponents by exceeding the bounds of their mortal capabilities, unlocking their strongest techniques.
  • On a date, Calagg is informed by his bonded soul, Kaelec, to go to Ascalon and retrieve the real Progression from the ruins before someone else does. Tiadda, with the guidance of Jack manages to make it to Calagg in time to prevent him from taking the weapon, instead finding a means to destroy it. Calagg, convinced this is the way ahead destroys Progression, causing its shards to infuse his own weapons with its power.
  • Calagg and Tiadda promise to get contracted to one another after a date. They return home to find time stopped and Jack delivering a warning. With only moments left to retrieve their belongings, they armor up and evacuate their house right before it is struck by artillery.
  • Calagg and Tiadda battle The Unbinder, losing all of their soulbound artifacts in the process, though eventually emerging alive, though not victorious, with the intervention of the Shards of Progression. The Unbinder requests that the two guide her younger self to a more prosperous future. Agreeing to the offer and trading a magic infused skull-shaped amulet for a set of mysterious keys to Jack, Tiadda and Calagg return to their old home, now suspended within the Mists themselves.

Calagg’s Fall

  • Noting no significant progress in his growth in power, Calagg grows increasingly frustrated.
  • Calagg is assaulted by random encounters more often by the day. Calagg strikes down a leyline-infused Griffon, only to then heal it, knowing its problems all too well.
  • Remembering a legend passed down through his family, Calagg gathers his parents, Tiadda and the previously spared Griffon to travel to the Palace of the Lost, where an item is rumored to exist that can restore a person back to a blank slate, to start their training from scratch.
  • Calagg gains his father’s old twinswords, the Sins of the Father, renaming them to the Sins of the Son.
  • Tiadda gains Calagg’s mother’s old double-bladed sword, the Edge of Fate.
  • The party locates an elevator near the ruins where Arrendwin fell, finding the fabled Palace of the Lost on the other end, concealed within an expansive cavern.
  • The party makes their way through the Palace, slaying the guardian specters along their way, collecting their weaponry.
  • After fighting Arrendwin, the party is separated by a teleportation spell, locking Calagg and Tiadda in a battle with the Royal Guard, Arriadne deFleur.
  • The party trusts Calagg to be able to finish her off alone after noticing that she grows stronger the more foes she faces. Calagg fails, surrendering his fate to the warrior’s mercy.
  • Disappointed by the sudden loss of morale from Calagg, Arriadne kicks Calagg off the edge of a tower. Calagg, having surrendered his fate, lingers on the tower, his soul kept in place where he ‘died in battle’. The mortal vessel, now belonging to Kaelec, is caught by the Griffon, and returned to safety.
  • Kaelec, acting as if he were Calagg, gains an audience with the Navigator, Queen Ziedrich. Pleading with her, he eventually gains access to the Vestige of Knowledge for himself and his family, allowing them to surrender their martial prowess for a chance to start anew. The party leaves the palace behind, to start a new life and learn new arts.

Tiadda’s Fate

  • Tiadda befriends the tailor, Claudia Celentano and becomes her personal guard and traveling companion. Resulting in the longest running attempt to reunite a father and a daughter after dimensional mishaps and timeline exploitation. A grand plot and effort is set in motion by Jack to ensure Tiadda is successful in this regard without any casualties, save for one.
  • Tiadda unbinds Kaelec from Calagg’s body, convinces Calagg’s soul to return to his mortal vessel. Calagg doesn’t actually return, however, he merely puppeteers the body at a distance to ensure Tiadda is safe.
  • Bray, Calagg, Claudia and Tiadda take a lengthy boat trip to the Unending Ocean to once again retrieve Tiadda’s father from a faraway land.
  • The party creates large diplomatic incidents, chaos and drives their collective blades through a gigantic amorphous entity before calling upon the power of Claudia’s inherited sword, Royal Decree, to seal it away.
  • Tiadda successfully reunites Calagg’s family and his soul with his body, succeeding in bringing back to life Calagg’s sister, Tessi, though losing all her martial prowess in the process. The entire family become citizens of the Lost, presiding in the Palace.
  • Tiadda loses Edge of Fate after Bray Fokster, possessed by the vengeful spirit that took control of a Revenant Crab, struck her down in battle. Tiadda unbinds the spirit from Bray Fokster with the help of Friedas the Untitled and Roathus Forgehammer.
  • Tiadda reunites Skyler Gwynndon with his lost mother after allying with a demon of mischief, allied to Jack’s organization.
  • Calagg, Tessi and Tiadda get together, set aside their differences and destroy an energy being. A feat well beyond anyone else’s resumė.

The Secret Ingredient: Crystal’s Light

  • Not knowing what to do in life, Calagg seeks to tend to matters unfinished, calling upon his old allies of the PPK.
  • The PPK reunites to find Calagg’s missing Griffon, Soldier, somewhere in Elona.
  • Using his magical sword to lure creatures in, Calagg catches the eye of Avery, a mage formerly affiliated with the Vestige of Knowledge, seizing this opportunity as a means to return to a physical realm, he accepts Calagg’s challenge, testing the PPK with a summoned creature, Levin.
  • Avery, catching on that his presence in the physical realm seems to last longer than anticipating, puts on a show for the PPK, retelling the tale where he was defeated by a band of adventurers. He pretends to fall off of the airship to stow away further.
  • Testing the PPK and tempting them with a bargain they can’t refuse, Avery engages his audience with another spectacular bout against a summoned creature, Pyratus. With the PPK victorious, Avery instructs them to take him and his assistant, Clover, to a specific location.
  • Arranging an elaborate re-enactment of the defeat of his master at the hands of the same party that laid him low, Avery plots to steal Calagg’s Ravenspear, to allow him to remain in the physical realm long enough to return to the Vestige of Knowledge and claim his place as Navigator. With the play concluded, the PPK catches onto this plot and goes towards the nearest gateway to the Palace, Lion’s Arch.
  • In a wholly expected twist, the PPK defeats Avery within the Palace, banishing him back to The Void.

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