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Magicka of the Realms

Machinations of the manipulators of reality

Magicka is a controllable, but unknowable force that is able to be everything and nothing simultaneously. Beings who control magicka call the forces beyond the realms into action to perform their bidding, which can be as simple as lighting a fire, or as serious as removing an entity from existence. All magic is a form of altering reality. Use of magicka can affect the realms, contorting and muddying the tangibility of the realms.   The realms as a whole tend to be solid, and temporal. However, the influence of madness called into force by other means or actions, will compromise the integrity of the realms and have them act irregularly. Through use of magicka, space and time, by humanoid races, can longer can be measured.   Countless beings dedicated their entire lives to understand such obfuscated knowledge. Eons of trial and error have passed in order to achieve our current understanding of magic. Abundant fortune is upon the adventurers and scholars of yesteryear and current year. Magick is difficult, dangerous, and often illegal, but attainable.   Items   Weapons built of magicka are seldom seen, even by veteran adventurers. Most are hoarded by curators of magick study, madmen determined to understand their function, wise seers seeking answers, and gluttons to the calls of madness. Weapons of magick which are used for their intended purposes tend to be kept by heroes.   In the realms, magic items are normally not affected by the characteristics of the realm in question so long as they lay dormant or passive. Magic weapons function irregularly.   Magic Items   Llorentiel - +1 to attack roll and +1 damage roll. Zeronia - No change   Theria - +1 to attack roll and +1 damage roll.   Nevalice - -1 to attack roll and -1 to damage roll. 10% chance to lose spell slots on a critical failure.   Oddities - 10% to regain or lose spell slots upon critical success or failure. 10% chance to change damage type on critical success or failure. On a multiple of 5, refer to magic effects table   Magic Weapons   Llorentiel - No change   Zerania - No change   Theria - 1.5x charge   Nevalice - 0.5x charge   Oddities - 1.5x charge, extra die of damage on damage rolls. 20% chance for magic item to explode upon reaching 0 charges. Explosive damage scales in relation to damage dealing die.   Upon a critical fail of casting magic, refer to magic effects table   Ex; Wand of fireballs, upon expending the final charge, roll a D20. On a 1, deal 8d6 to wielder immediately.   Adventurer Magic   Llorentiel - +1 to attack roll and +1 damage roll.   Zeronia - No change   Theria - +1 to attack roll and +1 damage roll.   Nevalice - -1 to attack roll and -1 to damage roll. 10% chance to lose spell slots on a critical failure.   Oddities - 10% to regain or lose spell slots upon critical success or failure. 10% chance to change damage type on critical success or failure. On a multiple of 5, refer to magic effects table   Portal Magic   Create Portal
X level abjuration   Casting time: 2 Hours Range: 10 ft Components: V S M (An object used to mark, write or scribe enough for a 10ft diagram, intimate knowledge of the desired location, an artifact from the desired target location) Classes: Any Magic User   As you cast the spell, you draw a 10-foot-diameter circle on the ground inscribed with markings that allows you to leave your current realm and appear in a desired location in a different realm.   Requirements include a base 5 spell slots, (1st level spells count for one spell slot, 2nd level count for two, ect), information gathered by all five senses for a specific location in addition to understanding its basic biome, cultural, or flora/fauna regarding the immediate target area. Casting this spell will cause the caster one level of exhaustion, and may be cast once per 7 day period. Each realm beyond an adjacent location will expend an additional two spell slots and will add an extra level of exhaustion.   Example: Creating a portal from Llorentiel to Zeronia would require 5 spell slots and one level of exhaustion. Nevalice to Llorential would cost 2 levels of exhaustion, and would require 7 total spell slots   Your familiarity with the destination determines whether you arrive there successfully. The GM rolls d100 and consults the table.   Familiarity Mishap Similar Area Off Target On Target   Intimate regional knowledge
— — — 01–100
Very familiar
01–05 06–13 14–24 25–100
Seen casually
01–33 34–43 44–53 54–100
Viewed once
01–43 44–53 54–73 74–100
01–43 44–53 54–73 74–100
False destination
01–50 51–100 — —   “Very familiar” is a place you have been very often, a place you have carefully studied, or a place you can see when you cast the spell. “Seen casually” is someplace you have seen more than once but with which you aren’t very familiar.
“Viewed once” is a place you have seen once, possibly using magic. “Description” is a place whose location and appearance you know through someone else’s description, perhaps from a map. "False destination” is a place that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you tried to scry an enemy’s sanctum but instead viewed an illusion, or you are attempting to teleport to a familiar location that no longer exists. On Target. You and your group (or the target object) appear where you want to. Off Target. You and your group (or the target object) appear a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 × 1d10 percent of the distance that was to be traveled. For example, if you tried to travel 120 miles, landed off target, and rolled a 5 and 3 on the two d10s, then you would be off target by 15 percent, or 18 miles. The GM determines the direction off target randomly by rolling a d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, 3 as east, and so on around the points of the compass. If you were teleporting to a coastal city and wound up 18 miles out at sea, you could be in trouble. Similar Area. You and your group (or the target object) wind up in a different area that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area. If you are heading for your home laboratory, for example, you might wind up in another wizard’s laboratory or in an alchemical supply shop that has many of the same tools and implements as your laboratory. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place, but since the spell has no range limit, you could conceivably wind up anywhere on the plane. Mishap. The spell’s unpredictable magic results in a difficult journey. Each teleporting creature (or the target object) takes 3d10 force damage, and the GM rerolls on the table to see where you wind up (multiple mishaps can occur, dealing damage each time).   Mishaps may result with the caster and other willing creatures being sent to a realm not intended as the location or possibly the Hollows. Additionally, upon exiting or entering a realm, the magical disturbances caused via using portal magic may alert other beings in the area.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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