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Basic Information


The nature ofthe modern Goblins means they are ever fulid in their physical charactersistics unlike progenitor Goblins. Though there are some general traits that are still found which can be widely applied to identify a modern Goblin.   They are generally quite short standing at 2'-4' tall on average. Ears are typically quite large and able to stand upright or hang much like that of a rabbit. They often have large mouths with two rows of pointed teeth that don't stop growing in. Their eyes are large and extremely expressive, and their skin colour tends toward the green spectrum.   They have four fingers on each hand, and five toes which are dextrous enough for gripping objects or doing moderately complicated work.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblin genetics are dominated by a very small amount of very dominant genes. This produces Goblins babies born nearly identical to every other baby with only the parents able to really tell them apart, this sameness persists until pubrity. They are carried to term over the course of two years with the pregnancy not diminishing the physical capabilities of the carrier in any way. (Parents will still partake of strenuous activity like hunting and combat as if they weren't pregnant at all.)   An infant Goblin can already walk but lacks any of the defining goblin features or uniquness. Though through the generations they have turned this weakness into an advantage and made the once stagnent Goblin species into a surplus of uniquness and adaptation through mastery of alchemy.   On their third birthday Goblins begin a sort of pubrity. Its the time where their entire physiology is at its most fluid. One of the club's Brew Masters works with the child to design a tincture that will alter the child's form that which is desired. The process takes at least a week during wich time only the Brew Master may interact with the child and guide them through the process which is described as "the best pain you'll ever feel."   During this time they are given the choice of what kind of Goblin they wish to be. Everything from their subrace (tailed, strong jawed, night crawling, aquatic,) to sex, (male, female, neither, both,) to physical charictaristics (height, skin+eye color, natrual hair type, ect,) are decided at this time. Its always the child's choice of what and who they wish to be. To force any aspect of identity on a Goblin is the highest tabboo.   Most of the sub-race options are limited based on geographical location and the available reagents to make the corresponding tincture as well as cultural pressures. Goblins generally choose the same sub-species to match their parents and the majority of their Club, but its not unheard of for a child to choose another to fit a particular role in the Club or personal identity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age 1-3

Goblins all look identical from the fixed genes of their heratige. Deep green skin, large black eyes, no hair, large frumpy ears, and two rows of pointed teeth.  

Age 3

Their physical and biological features grow soft and maluable for a brief window of ten days during which time if the correct mixture of reagents and mutagens is consumed alters their features to nearly anything possible within their genome. If no such chemicals are injested their features return to their rigid state and they develop with only minor variations in appearance.  

Age 4-10

Their chosen features mature and grow to full potency until they reach physical adulthood at age 10,  

Age 10-60

They enter adulthood and age at a steeply decelerated rate. Telling the difference between a Goblin that is 11 years old, and 56 years old is nearly impossible for most people.  

Age 60+

The rare goblin that lives up to age 60 ages rapidly gaining deep wrinkles and losing muscle mass in a matter of a weeks. The specifics of how aging affects them depends greatly on the mutagens they consumed in childhood, but a general loss of sight, coordination, and energy are common factors.   After the rapid onset aging their biological clock slows back down. Some Goblins have been recorded to live naturally for hundreds of years, though it is rare that any but a Brew Master choose to do so.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carniverous; they eat meat raw and fresh when possible but preserve the majority of meat by salting and smoking, or chemically freezing the meat if possible.   They get the majority of their dietary requirements through meat, though they require berry and fruit juice to be able to absorb vitamins. Where fresh produce is unavailalbe they have developed suppliments.


Golbins tend to lean on the side of irrational and toublesome from the outside view. A commonly helf belif is that life is for living to the fullest and bringing as much joy to the world as you can. This applies to one's passions wherever they lay.   Its not uncommon for Golbins to die while reaching for higher and more outrageous passions and goals before they are no longer able to act as freely in their old age. Due to this very few Goblins die of natural causes.   This often leads them to being precieved as childish, irresponsible, or reckless, by some. But they can equally be found as curious, independant, and couragous, by others

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Each baby Goblin is given a Club Name by the collective community. It is not typically discussed but emerges naturally over the first few weeks of their life. Once they grow older and complete the Metamorphosis they shed their club name and choose one of their own.   The names can be as long or as short as they wish. Many like to incorporate parts of the names of those closest to them them into their own.

Gender Ideals

Goblins do not conform to gender or sexual ideas in the way most peoples do. Due to the nature of their development the way one wishes to express themself is wholey unique and celebrated. The vast majority of Goblins would fall into the 'non-binary' spectrum of gender when asked by the average person if they're not confused by the question outright.   Gobby does not use pronouns in the ways most other languages do. Instead of differentiating by gender, sex, or societal heirarchy, their pronouns are based off relative location, appearance, and emotional closeness.

Relationship Ideals

Family is as fluid as Goblin physiology and is refered to as such. Any child is a child of the club, not of individuals. And this fluidity is mirrored in how they referer to each other, which closer familiar titles given to those they are emotionally more connected to. For example a Goblin who is not close to their biological parents may referer to them as cousins, or in extreme cases strangers; while also considering someone younger than them who they look up to in experience or aspire to be like as their 'parent'.   It is not required to have a shared relation. One of two individuals may consider their familial ties that of a 'child and parent', while the other sees the relationship as that of 'siblings'. They still refer to each other through their personal views regardless of how the other sees the relationship.   Likewise they may use titles of social weight for those they consider close, but not close enough to see as family such as: 'friend,' 'ally,' 'leader' or the afformentioned 'stranger.'   One may add a prefix to a title, doing this shows a more neuanced view held by the individual than a title on its own. For example:
  • 'Step-cousin' implies a layer of disconnect beyond that of a regular cousin while still being closely tied to each other's lives.
  • 'New-friend' implies a lack of trust with an individual that they believe could be fostered into a closer relationship.
  • 'Grand-mother' shows deep respect to one's experience and knowlege beyond that of a regular elder.

Average Technological Level

Goblins excel at alchemy beyond any other people. They keep many of their concoctions secret.   Magically inclined Goblins strive to become Witches and Brew Master, often gaining a multi-generational title from all Goblins for their skill and knowlege when achieved.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gobby as a language was designed like a flexible mold around a hard unchanging core. Each dialect is wholey unique in theory, but in practice the basis which the language is build upon is universal, not seeming to change with time.   To this end anyone who speaks one region's dialect of Gobby can get by speaking with any other Gobby speaker. Theorectically this applies to those on other continents, though it has yet to be tested in practice.

Common Dress Code

Goblins are encouraged to wear whatever feels most comfortable to them. The only restrictions being to cover up any genitals they may have.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Goblin settlements are refered to as 'clubs.' Some believe this to be a reference to the simple bludgeoning weapon but its a misunderstanding. The term is actually derived from the Gobby word "⍒" (Kl-oo-b) which means 'to celebrate collectively.'   Each club can only be considered a club if they have a Brew Master, an elder Goblin who has studied and mastered the art of alchemy. They are responsible for preforming the Inimitable Ritual for those coming of age as well as teaching the next generation their secrets.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Metamorphosis

In the months, and perhaps years pretaining to the 3rd birthday of a Goblin child the club's Brew Master will work with them to design a tincture which will alter their physiology to be that which the child desires.   The day a Goblin turns 3 years old their body becomes fluid and maluable, designated by a sudden milkines in their eyes and elasticity of their muscles and skin. The club's Brew Master will seclude the child before finishing and feeding them the tincture they designed.   Over the next 5-10 days their body will rapidly restructure itself on a physical and biological level This process is considered deeply personal and private, so only the Brew Master may have contact with the child during this time to care for and help them through the process. It is extremely painful in a surpisingly pleasant way.   After their body has completed the changes the club congregates and the child introduces themself to entire the club for the first time as their own individual. They claim a name of their own, shedding their club name in the process, and are offered articles of clothing by all which they build their first wardrobe from.

Common Taboos

The greatest taboo a Goblin can commit is deciding for, or trying to push another toward, an identity or fate they did not choose for themself. Even giving someone a nickname they did not offer or consent to is extremely offensive.

Historical Figures

Minaro, the First Brewmaster.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarf Goblins greatly dislike Dwarfs and the feeling is repaid in kind. They find the social structure of Dwarf society to be build on the pillars of mindless obedience and complete surrender of one's autonomy to a higher authority.
Mother Tongue: Gobby
40 Years on Average (200+ Biologically)
Average Height
2 - 4 Feet Tall
Average Weight
100 Lbs. give or take
Geographic Distribution

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