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The Realms of Raen'dor

Summer, 1088 - The Age of Realignment

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For nearly two thousand years, Raen’dor existed as a direct intersection between three overlapping planes: The Material Plane, the Feywild, and the Shadowfell. While the direct locations and means of crossing between these three planes varied throughout history, denizens and magics of all three planes mingled and coexisted (or battled for supremacy meanwhile, these lands were lost to history as far as the greater Material Plane was concerned. The mortals who lived here did so while contending with scheming archfey, horrors of the Shadowfell, and ever-shifting landscapes influenced by wild magic.   Despite all this, Raen’dor’s diverse population built cities and carved out kingdoms, persevering despite the many challenges set against them. Instrumental to the rise and survival of these kingdoms were the efforts of a heroic party of adventurers, who ended the tyranny of the Undying King; in an agreement between the leaders who rose in the wake of this tyranny, a great school was established to train individuals as adventurers, who might serve as protectors, explorers and heroes in the new age of Raen’dor. Named the Nightcrest Academy for Adventurers (after Castalia Nightcrest, a member of the heroic party who gave her life to destroy the Undying King) this institution soon became known throughout Raen’dor as the place to be trained as a career adventurer– to the point that without proof of graduation, one’s hopes of finding work as an adventurer became quite slim.   Raen’dor’s newest challenge has now arrived: a mere ten years ago, a massive planar event-- now known as the Realignment-- re-stabilized the planes and thrust the realms back into sync with the rest of the Material Plane. While the land has been permanently influenced by both Feywild and Shadowfell, no longer do the three planes exist as one– they are separated, now accessible only by powerful plane-shifting spells or rare crossings throughout the land. With Raen’dor adapting to this newest change and beginning to connect with peoples from the wider Material world, adventurers are in demand perhaps now more than ever– precisely the time to apply to be one yourself!


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