Harvest of the Forest Tradition / Ritual in The Realms | World Anvil

Harvest of the Forest

No matter the state of the city, Unfyre's streets are always packed with stalls selling food or drinks or even trinkets. The people fill the streets, celebration and glee in the air. Laughter is easily heard, even during the Siege. Our people are truly resilient, aren't they?
— excerpt from a letter sent during the Siege
  The Harvest of the Forest is an old Were tradition, dating back to when Unfyre was a small farming community struggling to survive its first disaster. It celebrates the Forest of Grimhyde producing many of the food goods that the city uses and trades, as well as a celebration of the city surviving another winter, regardless of the state of the city itself as demonstrated by the celebrations during the Siege of Unfyre.   The festival lasts for a week, during which Grimhyde opens and people are allowed to take fruits from the trees and bushes lining the pathways. Any attempts to stray from the paths are quickly prevented as, due to the amount of mana and the history of the forest, much of the wild areas of Grimhyde are highly dangerous to the unwary and disrespectful soul.   Those that don't want to take from the forest can get food from the stalls lining the streets, many of which have been made from the fruits taken from Grimhyde Forest. Among these are jams, tarts, sweet desserts, and fermented drinks, several of which are Unfyre specialties. Of the many food and drinks, by far the most popular are those made from Grimhyde fruits, such as Grimhyde pies and sweet Grimhyde desserts.   Many of the traditions have been passed down through families, each one having a different effect on the citywide traditions. For example, one family started selling the excess to travelers passing through and lead to the citywide tradition seen today.


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