Realm Portals

Of all the magic that have had massive effects on the Realms, the magic known as Realm Portals is the most important. Realm Portals connect the Realms together through magic that pierced through the walls separating the worlds of the Realms. Highly complex and coming with a terrible cost, the ability to create these Portals have become lost to the ravages of the Convergence, like many other of the higher level spells.   There are currently [number] of active Realm Portals, linking the Realms to one another in a maze. The ruins of many other Portals dot many of the Realms, suggesting that either there once were more Realms or that the Portals lead to areas now cut off by the Void Mists.  

List of the Realm Portals and Where They Connect

Askus Portals:   Ashirion Portals:   Eoselyn Portals:   Thiabia Portals:   Liremund Portals:   Phasmye Portals:   Plavania Portals:
  1. To Skiasau, off the western coast
  2. To Dreya, in the coastal forest near Fyr Watyr
  3. To Eoselyn, on the other side of the Forest of Grimhyde
  4. To Askus, near Void Wall on the northern coast
  5. To Druycor, in the Avonlyng Woods
  6. To Phasmye, at the start of a river to the north of the Avonlyng Woods
  7. To Tushaula, next to a river in the west
  8. To The Final Realm, in the capital of Unfyre
Astrialon Portals:   Dreya Portals:   Druycor Portals:   Cafruela Portals:   Skiasau Portals:   Tushaula Portals:   The Final Realm Portals:
  • One to each Realm, all found in the capital
Realm Portals are a fair bit of a mystery to modern-day Magus, much of the history involved in both their origins and creations lost to the ravages of time. Most can estimate that their creation happened approximately 2000 years ago, give or take a century or two. As the Laws of Magic are the same between Realms, it is of no surprise to any historians that any documentation is rather similar, no matter which Realm it is from.   Several Realms discovered how to make these Portals, although only a few are known for certain. The list includes The Final Realm, Thiabia, Planvania, and Cafruela, with the possibility of Phasmye and Astrialon. However, there has been none of the certain proof of the other four Realms, no matter what some may argue.
Creating a Realm Portal was complex, records suggesting that it required dozens of Magus and at least seven Archmagus to even begin the ritual, not to mention how long it took and how they had to be rotated on the hour. It took weeks, if not months of planning for the ritual to even be considered. Rare was the mage that could do it alone.   Those that could single-handedly open a Realm Portal were known as High Archmagus. In recovered records, only three are named and only seven of the current Realm Portals are listed as having been created by the three. The rest are either unknown or used several Archmagus and Magus, many of whom died after their first Portal.   The Convergence crippled the Magus' of the time, only the weakest able to escape unscathed. The strong the Magus, the more and more dire the reaction. Due to this, any Magus that could make the Realm Portals, such as the Archmagus and High Archmagus, did not survive, either dying in the backlash or suffering from Twisted Mana so severe that they passed not long after. Records suggest that the High Archmagus of the time exploded, taking out a good portion of the city they were in.   Despite this, many would argue that there should be written records of the ritual, as the libraries of Unfyre are known to be the most extensive. Investigate revealed, however, that the books that contained the ritual were incinerated, leading some to believe that the Convergence was caused by a group of Magus trying to either destroy the Portals or make one to a new Realm.


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