Solidified Mana

Solidified Mana is a hard to find, easy to make resource. It is used as a fuel for many of the rituals, ready-made spells, and general usage in the Realms.   Solidified Mana is a hard to find resource because mana's natural state is a metaphysical liquid-like state that doesn't easily allow it to become physical without intervention*. Making it, on the other hand, is far easier. All it requires is to pull the mana from the creator or the surroundings in such a way that doesn't use up the mana, but charges it none the less.   Most rituals use Solidified Mana to boost the power, especially those that require large amounts of power but can only be performed by a small group. Ready-made spells, a very recent invention, are Solidified Mana that have had a spell matrix coded into the structure of the Mana, allow even those with Twisted Mana to launch spells with minimal requirements.   It is also used as a power source, powering many of the crafts of the Dwarves, Goblins, and Weres. Elves use it in conjecture with [material] and Phoenixians prefer Soulfire as a source, even as they experiment to see how the two interact. Humans have also begun to shift to Solidified Mana in place of their coal burning.   Solidified Mana is almost crystalline in structure, but touching it reveals that it is quite soft, almost squishy and easily malleable. Because of it malleability, it can be shaped into whatever form is required.   As it is made from Mana and using Mana has been practiced for thousands of years, there are no known side effects or environmental impacts from overuse of Solidified Mana as a fuel source.
*Please let it be noted that if you encounter natural Solidified Mana, the area is most likely dangerous and caution should be exerted in regards to further exploration.


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