The Jewelry Code

The rebellion in the Angel Realm has developed a secret code that the ruling body cannot prevent. While the Sign of the Eclipse shows who is obvious in supporting them, many of the codemakers are not as overt in showing their allegiance. As a result, they can gather information and then encode it in the jewelry that they wear. Each code is unique to the codemaker and can only be read by them and a few others in the rebellion. As a result, information can be cross-checked to ensure that there has been no false information planted.   Every codemaker and decipherer is a close guarded secret because if they are discovered, any information that they give latter is null and void and if the eyes of the rest of the Realms turn away, the coders would vanish in 'accidents' and 'mishaps' that would be waved away by the ruling body. This would be far more effective since they would not be overt supporters of the rebellion, removing the possibility of foul play.   Some examples of this code is in the bracelets worn along the arms and wrists. Certain highly detailed bracelets will represent members of the ruling body with the bracelets following after detailing the policies that may cause issues to the rebellion or telling that so-and-so met with another member of the body and planned out something that will become an issue. There would be a specific bracelet to mean 'Too complicated, meet in person' for the information that can only be shared by mouth. This would also, when paired with a certain bracelet, mean 'traitor' or 'no information.'   Other pieces of jewelry used include: wing ornaments, earrings, rings, or any combinations of several types. The more complicated the grouping, the more information can be given without endangering either the codemaker or decipherer.


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