BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

House Rule: Character Points

Important! These are house rules in testing. They may be tweaked, adjusted, changed or removed during play. Feedback is appreciated.
  This campaign will not use XP. Instead, throughout your career, you will overcome challenges, achieve goals, suffer your knives, make discoveries and enact change on the world. These are the five ways that you will earn Character Points, which may be spent to level up, or for a variety of other effects.   For the most part, where combats are balanced, they will be balanced around the number of CP the party has received, rather than current level.  


Luck (1 CP)

At any point, you may expend a character point as though you were expending a luck point, as per the Lucky feat.  

Stunt (Some CP)

During play, you may attempt to perform a Stunt - an unusual, probably very unbalanced maneuver that is not possible under normal rules. Tell your DM what you intend to do, and what you envision happening, and you will be given a cost in character points. Some stunts may also require a check to pull off - you will be given the check and DC before you spend the points, but if you fail the check, the points will be lost.  


You may undergo training or independent study to grow in power. This takes at least several days over a long rest, or much longer across short rests. Training usually requires a trainer or specialist equipment - libraries, arcane laboratories, dedicated shrines or temples, etc. Without these, training alone may take longer.  

Gain a Knack (Some CP)

A knack is a minor ability or power that is not covered by the normal rules, but does not have any great mechanical effect. Once trained, you can usually perform the knack at will, although some may require equipment, certain spells prepared, etc.  

Specialist Training (Several XP)

Sometimes, you may want certain class features, but not wish to commit to that class any further. In these cases, you may be able to undergo training to get only the one class feature. This will be less expensive than taking levels to gain that feature, but still quite expensive. Depending on the specifics, there may be some adjustment to how that feature works. Speak to your DM about what you want.   Depending on the feature in question and how you came about it, this may require considerable downtime for training, or none at all.  

Gain a Feat (10 CP)

You may train to gain a feat or ability score increase outside of the normal level progression. Whether through this option or regular level increases, you may never take more ability score increases than you would have been able to by only normal level progression.  

Level Up Through Training (10 CP)

You may train to gain a level in your current class, or multiclass into another. Depending on the class in question, this may require some downtime for training.


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