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Located on a well-sheltered peninsula, Temok is Taifar's largest city. Temok, which is home to a very well respected magical university and many famous arcane magic users, is the city at the forefront of magical innovation. Many magical organizations and societies as well as adventuring guilds are based here. As a result, there are a plethora of research facilities within the city including libraries, labs dedicated to potion making and artificing, as well as places for arcane practitioners to practice their magic on a powerful scale.
Due to the large amount of magical innovation in Temok, there are many shops that sell magic items, weaponry, and potions. Other businesses that cater towards the upper class can also be found here, such as various forms of high quality entertainment and bards that make their money as healers/therapists. Due to the large middle and upper class population of Temok, the city is heavily protected and guards frequent the streets.


20% elves, 18% tieflings, 16% humans, 12% genasi, 10% gnomes, 6% tortles, 18% other races


Council members are chosen based on their merit and achievement and work together to govern the city. Current council members:


There are magical wards that can absorb a certain amount of damage as well as wards of warning. Temok also has large statues that can be animated to defend the city.


Infrastructure such as roads and aqueducts are well maintained. Teleportation circles are also becoming increasingly accessible in Temok.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Aurith Academy of the Arcane
  • The United Society of Scholars in Antiquity
  • The Fated Few: A well-renowned adventuring party
  • The Silver-Tongued Sirens: A famous bard's guild
  • The Shadowed Hand: Spies for hire
  • The Moonlit Blades: Assassins for hire
  • Golems Galore!: A company that produces golems for personal and business use
  • The Spotless: This guild began as simply members of a city’s street cleaning crew. However, over time they began accepting coin in order to clean up some adventuring party’s misadventures. When a team of adventures have an encounter go sideways and need to dispose of evidence, bodies, or clean a crime scene it will be The Spotless that they call upon.
  • Museum of Dreams: Collectors of dreams and the subconscious
  • The Thought Thieves: They steal secrets from peopls's minds and sell them for money
  • The Body Snatchers: Consists primarily of creatures that possess or impersonate other people. They seek to replace influential individuals with trheir members
  • Identity Traders: They buy and sell documents and memories of thoroughly lived lives and sell them to those who need a fresh start
  • The Relic Collectors: Will work with other organizations to uncover relics of cultural import. Include rogues trained to enter and uncover archeology sites.
  • The Silver Shields: Protectors of mages for hire. They hire people to work directly for them, but also require freelancers/independents to register with them so they can regulate the industry.
  • The Inquiring Minds: Dedicated to invention, innovation, and tinkering of all sorts.
  • The Glass Eyes: A small group of elite wizards specializing in scrying. Need to find a person or object? They're the people to go to.
  • The Beastspeakers: Guild of rangers and druids that tame and train beasts which may be used for purposes within the city. They also are called in to deal with any rogue creatures.
  • The Bloodhounds: Urban bounty hunters
  • The Order of the Silent Temple: A society of monks, clerics, and bards dedicated to cataloging and studying forgotten religions (in secret). They don’t profess to seek to bring these god’s worship back into the world, but their archives are an invaluable resource to adventurers of all kinds.
  • The Street Worker’s Action Guild: A loose conglomerate formed to organize and protect all those who ply their trade on the streets. From traveling merchants to street performers to women(and men!) of the night to your favorite meat-on-a-stick vendor, SWAG makes sure that everyone gets access to the choicest corners equally. The guild also records any reports of harassment or mistreatment by any other organization, and pressures them accordingly. Just make sure you pay your dues… It’s amazing how quickly your sales can dry up.
  • Swift Messages: Deliverers of messages within the city
  Standard Guilds:
  • Fisher's Guild
  • Potion Maker's Guild
  • The Artificing Association
  • Crafter's Coalition
  • The Mason's Guild
  • Mage's Society
  • Merchant's Guild
  • Farmer's Coalition
  • Weapon Makers Guild
  • City Watch
  • Military (ground, air, sea)


Temok is well protected because it is on a sheltered peninsula while also near a mountain range that creates a bottleneck that people must pass through to arrive at the city. This made Temok one of the best suited areas for dealing with the Affliction, especially since it escaped a lot of the natural disasters. As the Affliction reached it's later years and eventually ended, many people ventured to Temok as refugees from all across Taifar. The city likes to present itself as a place that welcomes everyone, but there is an underlying resentment that still presides from when local Temokese who were upset about the influx of refugees into their city. Because the city was doing quite well, they wanted to preserve this and thought refugees could put their success in jeopardy. However, as  the decades passed, many of the people who had been refuges started businesses and helped creating the diverse, booming city that Temok is currently known as.

Points of interest

Because Temok is home to so many wizards, some have created demi-planes as an extension of their homes/buildings/towers. People can take tours of the city with special goggles to see the spectral demi-planes. The demi-planes are also visible at certain times of the year.


  • Temok
Founding Date
2670 BA
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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