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Triel is the northern most city on the Sword Coast not under the control of Dreus. It is guarded by paladins that drive off the abominations that Dreus sends at it. Triel has seen most of the fighting and has switched hands under the control of Elturguard and Dreus more than anyone can count. Due to this, it is more of an outpost than a town controlled by whoever owns it at the moment. Triel has been under the control of Elturguard for the past 10 years.   Due to this control, Triel has a headquarters for Elturguard. The propaganda machine works hardest here. Printers post out the propaganda seeking rebellion from northern powers. Triel is heavily guarded due to its close location to the Empire of Dreus even if that is a strategical disadvantage for the nation of Elturguard. Triel must hold.


Elturgaurd rules this village.


Companions stay here to drive off enemies. Rebels are anyone intolerant of Dreus who stays here to fight to protect the last bastion of good on the sword coast. Hellriders do what they must to patrol surrounding areas, but they can't deal with Dreus well.

Industry & Trade

This is a poor settlement. Armorers and other metalworkers do well to sell any metal they have for weaponry here and inks and paints are always needed to make anti Dreus propaganda.


Printers and painters are the main people here. This is a refuge for anyone who wants to leave the Empire and will help anyone try to escape from the oppression that is the north.


Rebel Post: A print shop where propaganda posters are made to be taken up north. Individual agents are sent with propaganda fliers to different holds in the north to spread rebel ideals. Blackmiths make a killing out here due to the constant need of weaponry to repel Dreus forces.
Owning Organization


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