The Empire of Praedor Organization in The Remnant | World Anvil
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The Empire of Praedor

Over the course of several millennia the once small kingdom of Praedor eventually grew to an empire the encompassed all of Eastern Odoris. The Empire ruled for thousands of years and was considered the pinnacle of civilization and magical ability until it quickly and mysteriously collapsed, leaving behind a power vacuum that still has yet to be filled. Many modern nations vie for the position that Praedor once held, and several nobles trace their lineages back to founders of the Empire, but so far none have been able to claim the mantle of Emperor and reunite Eastern Odoris.


Praedor was managed by a complex web of nobility and bureaucracy. As the Empire expanded it incorporated existing noble lines that cooperated with its expansion efforts and installed them as leaders as long as they remained loyal and swore fealty to the Empire as a whole. The Imperial Family ruled at the very top and had a portion of land they directly ruled. Directly under them was the Three Archdukes who each managed different parts of the Empire. Finally below them were various Dukes, Counts, and Barons who all had roughly equal political power over their territory with their title generally correlating to the population of the city or town they controlled.


The Empire of Praedor was a culturally diverse nation as it expanded over a large geographic area and contained many different peoples. The Empire worked to establish feelings of inclusion and patriotism in order to incorporate those who had been conquered into further expansion. The Empire developed some degree of meritocracy, and heavily rewarded those who displayed talent and worked for the benefit of the Empire, and allowed a fairly high amount of social mobility.


The end of The Empire of Praedor came under mysterious circumstances. The Imperial Family mysteriously disappeared, and the great floating capital of Cal Castrum crashed somewhere within the Dragon's Tooth mountain range. The resulting political instability quickly led to the rest of the empire falling apart into a variety of factions all vying for power against each other.

Year 1143 of the Fourth Age - Year 3785 of the Fourth Age

Geopolitical, Empire

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