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The Remnant

Year 4029 of the Fourth Age

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Long ago, far longer than any but the gods themselves can remember… the world came to an end. An age of prosperity and infinite potential tossed aside for the hubris of a mighty few. Now all that is left are the broken remains of a world ravaged by an ancient war. Some live their lives on great floating landmasses, drifting above the clouds around the World Tree, while the rest have been left to struggle beneath the shadow of salvation.   Those who live on the surface find that the world itself has become their enemy. The corrupting energy of an angry creator hardens the hearts of those who walk unprotected, the last vestiges of lost weapons continue to scar the lands, and nearly all who live below have found themselves changed, both mentally and physically. Trust is in short supply, and true safety is a luxury few enjoy.   Those on the surface live in the sunlight, but are constantly threatened by the shadow of war. Land is limited, and as most of their floating islands fall back down to the surface, with fewer new ones rising to replace them, people are beginning to wonder how long they can last.   The hardships in this world are many, and the dangers are great, but despite all of this the struggle continues. Those who live above and below both search for a solution that can fix this broken world. Many believe the key to the future can be found somewhere with the ruins of the past, but will they be able to refrain from destroying each other, long enough to save themselves? Only time will tell.

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