Bathyphysa City Settlement in The Rhodinoverse | World Anvil
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Bathyphysa City

The Spacittus Monstrum Volans, plural Spacitti Monstra Volantia, is a friendly alien made of fettuccine and meatballs. No one knows where they come from or how they came about, but they are immortal and can eat anything.     More commonly called Floating Pasta Beasts (FPB), and possibly related to the Food Golems, the Spacitti live in the aerial city of Bathyphysa in Dimension XV.    
Bathyphysa City Top View by Kitsune Sobo


Pirates are the highest social caste (20% of the population), bringing in resources from other Dimensions through the act of "permanent borrowing." Plebeians are the commoners (five percent), Servi (taken from other Worlds) are serfs (five percent). Everyone else (seventy percent) is a "tourist", though some live here permanently.


Spacitti are against rulers, so things are done communally. There are no kings or queens, just the collective deciding on what's best for their society. Everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, has a say and a vote.


As there are only four hundred and twenty Spacitti in the city at present, Servi are used to guard its walls. Sauce is the primary weapon of choice, although laser beams with the power of a thousand suns are also an option if they get bored.

Industry & Trade

Pirates trade with other Dimensions for resources. They also like to permanently borrow.


The city is shaped like a giant spiral made of a bluish semi-solid substance called "jalefire" by the locals, with the centre nesting the main HQ of the Spacitti. HQ is made of gold, the bricks held together with bolognese.     As their planet Earth is in the twentieth century, roads have been made for the non-FPB inhabitants to drive around in. Four rivers of beer run through the city from the centre: Camphora, Zelzebil, Thosuiz and Cauthar. They stream from an artificial volcano near HQ, made by a Spacittus named Robert, and split the city into four parts.


The spiral is divided into four districts by the rivers, each district with a particular caste living there. Pirates live north, Plebeians east, Servi west, and "tourists" south.



Guilds and Factions

The Henderson Clan (largest Pirate guild in the city).     The Jaundice Jills (female branch of the Henderson Clan).


The city was first made by an FPB who turned Earth into a flying city while drunk, and then invited some of his friends to stay. Other races came in later.

Points of interest

The Booze Volcano (Mount Cervesia) is a big tourist attraction.


Tourists come from all Worlds, and some choose to live in the city permanently.


Most buildings are white brick, with Servus housing made of simple stone.


City on a rounded metal base, like a globe cut in half.


Like a pleasant day in Kansas.

Natural Resources

Gold, silver, beer.
Founding Date
1969 CE
Alternative Name(s)
FPB Heaven
420 (FPBs), 10,000+ other
Inhabitant Demonym

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