Ice Lichen

High in the glaciers of the northern Ryopytav mountains, a suprising diverse ecosystem of plants and animals left behind by the Giants of old thrive to this day.   This is due in no small part to the presence of ice lichen, a bush sized symbiosis of alge and fungi that grows profusly on almost any surface that is not entirely verticle. It provides fodder for the herds of mammoths, a harvestable food resource for the nomadic herders, and cover/habitat for many of the smaller fauna of the region.   Ice Lichen is classified as an arcano-flora, as its ability to thrive in an artic environment seems to be supported by some innate magic. According to lore, it can move itself up from under the covering snow to the surface in order to gather the sunlight it needs.

Basic Information


Ice Lichen tends to spread laterally from a central anchor point. It then sends up plate-like "branches" that fan out, seeking exposure to sunlight. These leaf-like structres can reach up to 30 cm in length and width. The algae component of this symbiote concentrates excess solar energy into highly nutritious "sugar pods". Nodules form on the edges of the plates, forming bright red "berries," allowing the storage of energy in the form of highly concetrated glucose.

Genetics and Reproduction

This lichen propogates via spawning pups and light seeking tendrils that "root" to become new, independant plants. It spreads aggressivly, overcoming nearby plants if not kept in check by grazing.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ice Lichen grows neatly as fast as bamboo, that is to say that growth is noticable after only 24 hours.   Once it attains a minimum of eight "branches" it starts to put excess energy into its storage nodes. By the end of the growing season, a single bush of ice lichen may have as many as two dozen branches laden with bright red fist-sized nodules. Giving it the alturnate name of "mammoth holly."   The winter snows usually completly cover all the lichen. At the spring equinox, however, the lichen moves its central mass to the surface again - "branches" and nodules depleted to feed the organizim during the dark months under the snow.

Ecology and Habitats

Only found above the tree-line in the perpetual snow fields of glaciers. It also tends to minimze summer melt-off by shielding the snowpack from the sun with its broad "leaves."

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Mammoth herders harvest ice lichen to use as over-winter fodder for their herds, as well as the basis of their beverage of choice - Ice Wine.   Ice Lichen is also a well established component for cold-resistance potions. Herders also use it for spells and potions related to lung function.
common blue lichen, kudzu
Conservation Status
Can be invasive, only kept under control by resident mammoth herds
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 4, 2023 20:22 by Deleyna Marr

Fascinating species! I love the name "mammoth holly".
