Face of the Clocktower


A massive Arcane explosion rocks the radius of the spell as the face of the Clocktower itself appears in the area. atomizing anything within that radius. The caster's body is consumed.

Side/Secondary Effects

The land where clocktower is cast becomes corrupted by arcane energies, mutating creatures and spawning demons, for centuries to come.


A ball of light consumes the area, then a wall of sound blasts for miles around. It smells of heat and the burning peppery scent of the Arcane. Static can be felt on the body, and connections with Divine Powers are lost in the area.


The caster's body.


This spell was discovered when the first Blightspeaker, Shagha Metrat, stumbled upon the clocktower.
Material Components
The casters body.
Gestures & Ritual
The Following Incantation must be recited: “Time is growing short for me, and I willingly let it pass by. From energy I come, and to energy I return, all in due time. I call upon this time, and pay my debts, and I strike my own death bell. I call upon the clocktower, and bring the time of this place to an end.”
Related Discipline
Arcane Channeling
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
However long it takes to recite the incantation.
60 feet per pound of caster weight.
Only elite spellcasters such as Disciples or Shock Troops are taught this spell.
Applied Restriction
Clocktower is forbidden, because it contaminates the land it is cast upon for centuries to come. It will only ever be used in the most dire of situations.


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