Garvelment, The All Killer

"The First Garvielta, wielded by The Menace, used to kill Ohn'Tah. Used by the First Paladin, to kill the First Outsider. The blade older than the Rip. The blade older than the Legion. The blade older than time. Garvelment has endured through all time, and will endure through the rest of all time. Garvelment is a simple blade, with a simple purpose. Kill everything." -Inscription on the weapon's case   "Death to the menace. Death to the False God. Death to the Outsider. Death to All who oppose. Death to All who may oppose." -Inscription on the weapon's blade.   Garvelment, The First Garvielta, The Traitorous Blade, The All Killer, and The Unquenchable Thirst, are all names for Garvelment, which it has gained through the millenia it has been in use.   It is believed that Garvelment has existed for far longer than the Draconic Empire, and indeed maybe civilization within the Rip itself, due to written accounts and myths passed down through history.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Garvelment has been stained in the blood of everything from demons to Outsiders to False Gods, and even Ohn'Tah, which has granted the metal a thirst for blood. This thirst for blood amplifies the power of Garviel, bringing fear to demons and mortals alike. Garvelment instead of acting as a conduit for Motros, instead silences Motros and its minions, due to how many it has slain, and the thirst it has gained for their blood. Garvelment can be used as a conduit for contact with anything from the Archons to even the Gods themselves.   It is rumored that Garvelment has developed a limited form of sentience.

Manufacturing process



Cultural and Religious
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
4 lbs
50 inch blade, 14 inch grip
Base Price
Raw materials & Components


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