
The Inquisitor opened the wooden case containing their new sword. The scabbard was made from Durnan, to seal in the corruption of the blade. The Durnan was etched with skulls, and protective sigils. The handle was made from Durnan, with gold bands looping down to the very base of the pommel, which was spiked. The hand guard was simple, with the only embellishments being protective sigils. The Inquisitor drew the blade, and examined it. The sword's blade was bone white, and completely devoid of any inscription. The metal itself seemed to whisper and laugh at him, and they sheathed it again. "Garvelment. Allkiller."


Material Characteristics

In an unrefined state, Garviel appears to be almost chalk like in texture and white. In a refined state, Garviel is bone white, and glossy, almost like white glass.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Garviel is cold to the touch, and inspires fear in most mortals when they touch it. The whispers of Motros can be heard when Garviel is nearby. A Garviel blade, called a Garvielta, can kill anything, and even render Gods dormant. A Garvielta absorbs the energies of its victims.

Geology & Geography

Garvielta is a metal that is found when Durnan is corrupted by the Arcane Energies radiating from the Menace and its forces.

Origin & Source

This metal was created when Motros sought to corrupt Ohn'Tah's final gift to the people of the Rip.

History & Usage


Garviel was first found by the Silver Blades Inquisition on a mission in a village that made most of its wealth through the refinement of Durnan. The forces of Motros had corrupted the Durnan there, turning it into Garviel. Garviel is viewed with a mixture of disgust, and the belief that it's a sad necessity in the Rip, where even the most holy of forces can be corrupted by Motros.


Garviel was discovered by the Silver Blades Inquisition and taken for use. The metal was first used after years of study, when a Disciple had been corrupted by the forces of Motros. The gifts that the Disciple had received had rendered them incredibly hard to kill, but the Garvielta was able to drain the energies protecting them.

Everyday use

Garvielta are most commonly used by the Draconic Assassins, and the Silver Blades Inquisition, to eliminate high value targets. The users of these weapons are incredibly rigid with their meditation and doctrine, and their weapons are kept under lock and key when not being used.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Garvielta are viewed as cursed weapons, and the Silver Blades that use them are viewed as expendable, as they carry the weight of corruption wherever they go.


The material must first be refined, as durnan is, with dragonfire, and then shaped by smiths.

Manufacturing & Products

Garviel is only ever used for weapon smithing.


The manufacture of Garviel into Garvielta is a dangerous process, posing the risk of Arcanic Corruption, or of drawing the attention of Motros to the smith. As such, Garviel is only refined deep inside the Durnan Hold, far from prying eyes.

Reusability & Recycling

Garvielta never lose their edge, nor any material, except in incredibly strange circumstances. They can be reshaped with Dragonfire, but the process is arduous.
Garviel smells of sulfur.
Garviel tastes of blood, and sulfur.
Bone White
Melting / Freezing Point
Only Dragonfire can melt Garviel


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