The Tareeth Clan

"The Lord of Ancients had felt transgressed, that the Tareeths had betrayed him. And so he sent them further into the desert, the oldest clan of Ancients condemned into the deepest parts of the desert, a place of hateful sun and unending thirst. The practice of Alchemy grew there, as it had to, to survive their exile. With their exile, the name of Tareeth fell from grace, into being synonymous with exiles." -The History of Ancient Culture by Durukan Sheldarah, 2450 B.T


The Tareeths lived in a caste system, with Alchemists and Blade Dancers at the top, and moisture collectors and farmers at the bottom. Within each caste, there is a circle of 13 who speak for and make decisions for the whole caste.

Public Agenda

The Tareeths seek to maintain the culture of Ancients, and propagate Alchemy while mastering their own individual school of Blade Dancing. The Tareeth school of Blade Dancing is focused on highly aggressive movements, to push a foe onto weaker footing, and deliver a single decisive blow.


The Tareeths maintained control of the Holy Tree of Dai'Le, a central point in Ancient Culture, it was believed that the Tree of Dai'Le was given water by Ko'Tar, and gave that water to the Ancients. The oasis that formed around it allowed the Tareeths to have less of a focus on moisture farming and more of a focus on agriculture, which allowed them to trade with the Dezzeta and Elumi clans for metals and herbs, allowing them to train more blade dancers, and create a large number of potions. The Tareeths traded mostly in Dalet grain and rice, which were the staples of their diet, and the staple of many desert people, due to their longevity. This amassed wealth for the Tareeths.


The Tareeths were formerly known as the Edruan, and were the advisors of the Ellemnai, the ruling class of Ancients. Far in the past, during the battle of Titans, between the Ancients and Primals, Hastuna Ellamnai, the Lord of all Ancient Clans, sought to execute Rokah Tebburah, a Primal high Priestess. Hezzeren Edruan stayed his blade, fearing the wrath of the Gods. For his treachery, Hazzeren and all other Edruans were exiled from the small amount of fertile land, called Surrura, literally "Flowing Waters", and banished deep into the desert, and were renamed Tareeth, literally "of The Desert."    For a long time, the Tareeths were wanderers and nomads. They traded in curios and artifacts found in the desert, strange echoes of ancient civilizations. After centuries of living this way, the Tareeths had forgotten the proud people they once were, and that they had stood against the Ellemnai. Eventually, they found the legendary Holy Tree of Dai'Le, and a massive oasis surrounded by the collapsed ruins of a long dead clan of Ancients. The Tareeths saved what they could, and learned of the history of the Ancients, including their own as the Edruan. The Tareeths preserved what they could of the history of Ancients in a great tapestry that spanned the side of a collapsed temple to Ko'Tar. The Tapestry was the greatest item of importance to the Tareeths.   As time passed, the Tareeths established themselves as a greater power within the desert, with their Blade Dancers matching the aggression of the Menace, and their Alchemists creating potent potions. During this time, the Dezzeta clan had grown out to the Maw of the Gods, establishing a mining colony there. The Tareeths used this to their advantage, trading their grain for excess Durnan. The Elumi, established within the Flowing Waters as herb traders and Alchemists, heard of the Tareeths excess of grain and thirst for knowledge, and established a trade with the Tareeths that was beneficial for both, resulting in a further flourishing of Alchemy within the Tareeth capital of Selrura, or "Holy Waters". Over time, the Tareeths established trade with the Draconians, giving them Potions in exchange for the strange artifacts that washed up on the shore of the Sea of Krakes. During this time, the Tareeths further developed their Blade Dancing, honing their ability to the point that it rivaled even the Blade Dancers of the Ellemnai. This led to several actions against the Tareeths, and eventually, the War of Dancers, where the Tareeths would manage to hold their own for a while against the greater numbers of the Ellemnai clan and the Herubah clan. Once the Herubah clan crippled the Tareeth Blade Dancers in the battle of ten thousand knives, the Tareeths surrendered. They were allowed to keep their military, but had to pay great tithes of grain, potions, and soldiers to the Flowing Waters.   The Tareeths fought in the War of Existence, teaching Draconic Disciples of Kah'Tahk and Luc'Nah a watered down version of their unique art of Blade Dancing. It is believed that they also taught the Disciples of Ko'Tar, and several Woven houses, but this has not been confirmed. With the defeat of the Menace, but the breaking of the Arcane Tree and the destruction of the Gods, the Tareeths began to decline, many of their Blade Dancers having died in the war.   The history of the Tareeths was brought to an end in 2431 Broken Tree, when the Angelic Confederation committed a genocide against the Ancients, leaving very few survivors.


The Ancients were eradicated in 2431 by the Angelic Confederation, fearing that a Blight SPeaker would come from the Ancients.

"Ever Faithful, To The End"

Exiled 732 Whole Tree, Established 296 Whole Tree - 2431 Broken Tree

Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
The Exiles
Tareeths, Exiles
The currency of the Tareeth was Sand Gems, crystals that would form in the hottest portions of the desert, and in the bones of giants.
Legislative Body
The laws are written by the circle of 13, who established laws in the interests of each caste they represented. They were, in order of status, The Alchemists, The Blade Dancers, The Smiths, The Priests, The Beast Tamers, The Children of the Arcane Tree, The Arcanic Archaeologists, The Traders, the Beast Hunters, The Builders, The Cooks, The Farmers, and the moisture Farmers.   Each Caste had a specialization, but all were expected to contribute to the betterment of society.
Judicial Body
The Circle of 13 made final decisions on laws, and the Blade Dancers enforced them.


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