Blueing Condition in The Rosepetal | World Anvil


Public epidemiologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

Blueing is a common, benignant genetic mutation found in most species living on solagen-atmosphere planets, where the bahtoanite mineral is present in the hydrosphere.  

Etymology & Definition

The name of the condition is rather to the point, stemming from the fact that those affected by it will take on a blue to violet pigmentation. The condition was given its official name by Dr. Ideanis Seyfal when its records were first added to the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís.  


The mutation is caused by the long-term exposure and/or ingestion of the bahtoanite mineral. It’s a gradual and cumulative change, rarely showing in the first generation of a species newly immigrated to such a planet and instead will be fully developed within 3-4 generations.  


Once the mutation is fully developed, the condition is chronic and congenital, meaning it cannot be reversed and will be inherited by later generations. Scientific experiments in hybridization between species with and without the mutation has proven blueing to be strongly dominant, with nearly 97% of the resulting offspring inheriting the condition.   Known individuals with the condition that migrate to worlds or locuses lacking a bahtoanite-infused hydrosphere don’t see a recession of the mutation and is instead prone to suffer negative effects unless provided with sufficient supplements to keep their bahtoanite-levels up.  

Signs & Symptoms

The blueing mutation primarily leads to a cosmetic alteration of the tissue, skin, flesh, organs, and blood pigmentation toward an increasingly blue-violet spectrum. Being exposed to higher concentrations of bahtoanite leads to a deeper shade of blue or violet, while lower concentrations lead to a more steel or silver-blue shading.   Initially, it was thought that the change in pigmentation was the result of the mutation, but it was later also proven that it at some level also alters a species’ biochemistry, making them dependent on keeping a certain level of bahtoanite in order to remain healthy.  


As long as an individual featuring the mutation lives in an environment that supplies them with the necessary daily intake of bahtoanite, the condition does not appear to incur any differences psychologically or physically aside the pigmentation change.   A lowered or lacking intake of bahtoanite has shown to result in a weakening of the pigmentation and decreased health. Matted, grey-blue skin tones have been observed in individuals that have spent long periods away from their homeworld without supplemental intake of the mineral.   Such individuals tend to initially suffer from an unspecific feeling of unwellness that over time can progress into various other symptoms of increasing severity. Such symptoms include but aren’t limited to: headache, fatigue, depression and apathy, gastrointestinal disorders, endocrinal disorders, and arrythmia. Symptoms will rarely become life-threatening but can significantly decrease an individual’s quality of life.

Condition Data

Genetic Mutation
Bahtoanite exposure
None known
Acquired, Congenital
Usual Onset
Inherited, or 3-4 generations
Diagnostic Method
Visual, Standard Medical Scanner
None / Bahtoanite Supplements
Estimate 68% of the galactic population
Affected Groups
Primarily species from Type I Solagen-base atmospheres.


The condition is rarely needed to be diagnosed, and instead mostly assumed to be present in any species of blue to violet skin pigmentation that is also dependent on a solagen atmosphere.   Most medical professionals in multi-species societies will be trained to check for bahtoanite-deficiency in solagen-breathing patients that seek medical attention and display any of the symptoms common to this ailment.  


Previously, individuals working in environments where they could not naturally receive their daily intake on bahtoanite had to consult a medical professional to receive a diagnosis of bahtoanite-deficiency and get a prescription for supplements.   Today, the various symptoms of bahtoanite-deficiency are considered common and well-known enough that most larger apothecaries in multi-species societies will stock this supplement and it can freely be bought without needing a prescription first. Individuals are expected to be aware of the effects of bahtoanite-deficiency, take care of their need for supplements on their own.  


Blueing isn’t currently under active research, as it’s considered well-documented already. The last official study was performed by the Tarm-Leen Research Institution on Shancury, where the conditions’ status as chronical and being a dominant inherited trait was established.   Students that are a part of the Hövnís Extracurricular Education Initiative (H.E.E.I) have the chance to meet and pet Neia, a Lassin/Mirsolai hybrid that was raised as a part of this research, if they attend the Stratotastic Critters or What A World physical lecture events.  

Preventative Measures

There exist no preventative measures except for a generally expected common courtesy to inform individuals wanting to settle on a solagen-base planet of the long-term effects of living in a bahtoanite-infused environment.

Culture & Society

The blueing mutation is common enough to be considered normal and mainstream, and the share of the total galactic populace carrying the mutation is estimated to be as high as 68%. The majority of the share consisting of members of the Lusoyan or Therännan species.  

Media Portrayal

In the wider galactic society, lighter shades of green and blue skin are commonly portrayed as especially pleasing, beautiful, and attractive. Even among species that don’t naturally feature these skin pigmentations. For this reason, combined with their naturally graceful appearances, its popular to feature Therännan and Liman individuals in various media – especially advertisements.  

Misconceptions & Superstition

It’s common to Lusoyan speciesism to refer to the blueing condition as 'Lusoyaviocin', which loosely translates to ‘mantle of the ascended’. While it in literal meaning infers that blue-violet skin pigmentation makes a being supernal to others, it’s primarily meant to point out the Lusoyan species as being superior to other sophosients.  


There is a famous case where the Beckinsal-based Tylindra Corporation was sued for having advertised and sold a luxury beauty product containing bahtoanite, claiming daily use of the product would give the user “the rich, lustrous cyan sheen of an Csianan artistocrat”.   The court judged the case in favor of the plaintiffs, with the motivation that it fell within false advertisement. The company was held liable for wrongfully suggesting that their product was able trigger the blueing genetic mutation and could give its consumer a desired blue skin color.

Cover image: by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ


Author's Notes

The idea behind this condition and the Bahtoanite causing it stems from a fantastic, entertaing discussion held with an acquantaince years ago, on the prevalence of "human but <insert color>" aliens (as opposed to alien aliens) in sci-fi media.   It led to a very interesting exchange of speculations around various plausible causes for space-settler humans to have their skin change pigmentation into various (mostly) unnatural rainbow colors.

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Apr 2, 2023 09:49 by Sailing Ocelot

This article stands out for me because it is so convincing. The detail is clear and precise, which also makes it an enjoyable read. I think this is a great psuedo-scientific reason for the pigmentation.

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
Apr 3, 2023 05:24 by Nimin N

Thank you so kindly for your words! Makes me glad to hear I managed to make it sound so reasonable - it was a fun research and puzzle to make everything fit together. :)