
Also known as 'Voidwraith' & 'Stardust Haunt'
Public sentientologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

Disputed Unknown Extremely Aggressive? Extrinsid Neronid
The rumon-bhatak are said to be massive amalgamations of dust and darkness lurking in the distant void. Along with the naiavon, they're the most widely featured mythical creature in Rosepetal. The fact that several civilizations' ancient myths mention of them long before these civilizations made contact with each other is one of the most compelling arguments for their existence.  

Etymology and Definition

It's been decided that the akreian name for these beings will become the official one if their existence is ever proven. The name comes from the deity Rumon-Bhatak of the Arat Mapuya-Morrek - the largest religion practiced in the Ancient Atramen Empire. The name roughly translates to 'the silence after the song'.   More well-known names on these beings tend to have a very dramatic flair, such as 'Stardust Haunts' or 'Voidwraiths'. A more general, often used by skeptics, name for them and other similar entities is the simple and neutral 'Space Ghost'.  

Habitat & Population

Rumon-Bhatak are said to float through the vacuum of space, in regions where the density of stellar objects is very low. This appear to mostly refer to the outer edge of our galaxy's stellar halo, though there's also claims of encountering rumon-bhatak in the 'dead space' between the galactic arms.


The first known records mentioning the being originates from the early spacefaring age of the Ancient Atramen Empire, where it - similar to the naiavon - was incorporated into their religion and became an important piece of many akreian cultures' mythos and history.   Stories of vicious, devastating attacks on spacecrafts are still commonly used as cautionary tales, and the being is also referenced in the old spacefarer saying 'either you don the cold shirt or you drown'.  

Recent History

After it was definitely proved that the photonid naiavon exist, there's been a renewed interest in more careful investigating of the existence of the rumon-bhatak. A hypothesis that's rapidly grown in popularity is the existence of 'neronidan lifeforms' - beings composed of dark matter or energy, where rumon-bhatak is posed as its prime defining candidate. A neronidan nature could explain the difficulties in detecting them through long-range scanners and exploration probes, especially if they're also to some extent amorphan.   There's several requests for sanctioned scientific expeditions with the purpose of locating and studying the rumon-bhatak, though only a few have so far detailed plausible methods for how such a search would be carried out. Two current methodologies being considered are:  
  • Passive surveillance - Remotely steered probes equipped with energy-efficient sails are set up close to an area containing a notable concentration of dark matter and/or energy. They are then programmed to scan for anomalous movements and shadows that can't be attributed to other space phenomena.
  • 'Angling' - A strong energy-source is placed as a lure in the vicinity of a location where it's claimed a previous attack happened. The purpose being to incite an attack that can be observed and recorded.
Angling is partially supported by Dr. Pirci Arismyr's research on macro-radiotrophs: they speculate that photonids and neronids would likely live off of stellar radiation, plasma or other forms of energy found in space. This could explain why rumon-bhatak has such a propensity for relentlessly attacking spacecrafts in the majority of the myths and stories they're mentioned in.
— Notation by Dr. Tybulus Svilen

Cover image: by geralt


Author's Notes

My submission for Elspeth's Mystember challenge. It was one of those where my brain wouldn't let me sleep until I wrote this down - figured I could just as well compose an article from the notes I ended up with while at it. I might polish it a little later.

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Sep 13, 2024 15:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Cryptid space ghost! :D This is really interesting. I am very curious if they ever will be proved to be real.