


They numbered around fourty for each unit. Along with a supply group of seven for each rider.


They often armor for their horses to wear in battle.


Often equipped with lances, spears and sabers.


Horses were their main type of transportation and were used to ride into battle.


Each member of the group is trained to follow the officer in front of the formation. Meaning that each rider act independently from the rest of the group once they attack.


They often used hit and run tactics and flanking maneuvers to deal with enemy units. Often preferring to attacking lightly armored units over other. But that does not mean they will not attack armored units either. Their charge can be quite as deadly as well it in interrupted.


Their skill come with their horsemanship as they work together as one beginning. Train for weeks on end to improve their coordination. They also make sure the horse is only focused on the task at hand ignoring everything else in its surroundings.


Logistical Support

They often pack light to to place to place with only a few aid to carry their required gear.


100 gold pieces


Only the most skilled horsemen are allowed to join this elite unit. These are often riders who have natural gifts with horsemanship in the kingdom. Once selected they must swear a oath to fight to the death and never surrender to the enemy. Along With placing ash of a fallen predecessor to give them strength in battle.


The Ashend were originally created by Ferosian kingdom as an elite cavalry unit for the royalty of the kingdom. Often made of the greatest horsemen from across the land. But seeing how their potential was beginning wasted, they were reformed as military units in the military. Their original name would be the Pure Bloods, but was later changed to the Ashend to their fanaticism to the god Feros and began covering themselves with the ashes of their fallen comrades to give them strength. These warriors would often be seen across many known battlefield spreading chaos and mayhem across enemy lines with speed and grace. Often beginning in the thickest of fighting as they spreed fear amongst their enemies. Very few foes could ever match their skills and many would pay the price just to take down a single rider.  


  By the end of the Plains wars Ferosia had fallen and it armies in tatters as the Vatian Empire tire the land to pieces and destroyed the Ferosians culture. The Ashened that survived refused to surrender as their loyalties were beyond the death of their kingdom. Many would be a part suicidal charges as an act of defiance and to maintain their hour killed dozens of men before going down. Some wage guerrilla warfare as a way to continue their with empire and give hope to the people. But their numbers would dwindle with time as their spirits began to weaver. The las the Ashened were lead by the Horse Lord Gunther Helmorn as he made his last stand at his ancestral home of Helmorn’s Mound. When he lead his final charge the Ashened where the first to charge in. Many setting themselves on fire to take as many enemies with them and to be given passage to ride with Feros through the sky. Though these riders no longer exist they are still considered some of the greatest riders that ever lived as their stories were told from generation after generation by Ferosians across the land.

Historical loyalties

Ashened had swirled fealty to the kingdom of Ferosia and swore to fight to the death.
120 BCE
439 CE
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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